Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 78 – All Things James Robinson! Spider-Man casting!

Short episode today on the Tuesday Night Comics podcast, as Billy is all by himself…all by himmmmmself. Billy promises there is no singing in the episode. Well, maybe a little singing. Who wants to hear Billy talk to himself (and you!) about comic books? Reviews of James Robinson comics! Previews of James Robinson comics! News announcements of James Robinson comics! With all this James Robinson, how is Dave not on this episode?!?
james robinson
Plus, Tom Holland’s has been cast as the new Spider-Man. Billy reacts! And DC runs a facepalm worthy hashtag campaign.

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 77 – Spider-Man News!

It’s Tuesday, which means it’s comics podcast time! We have a surprisingly large amount of news to cover this week. Major announcements from Marvel and Dark Horse.

Plus, previews of this week’s comics! How would Billy and Dave each spend 20 bucks on new comics this week? Listen and find out!

batgirl 41 age of ultron vs marvel zombies young

And reviews of many DC You titles and Billy’s favorite Secret Wars tie-in!

Listen now!

Game of Thrones – S5E10 – Mother’s Mercy – Recap

The episodes opens with Vijayjay. She’s happy, the ice in the camp is melting. If an icicle melting doesn’t scream, “This was totally worth killing that child for,” I don’t know what does. Now that the storm is receding, Stannis can march on Winterfell. Vijayjay wants to kiss him, but he’s not interested. There’s something about murdering your only daughter that just takes the sex out of a relationship. Oh man, half of Stannis’s men deserted last night. Stannis was a hard man before, but he seems even harder now, like he’s made of stone. When one of his soldier arrives with news, Stannis commands him to “Speak up. It can’t be worse than mutiny.” Mrs. Stannis hung herself. Stannis’s reaction: “On to Winterfell.” Hard, I tell you.

Game-of-Thrones-Saison-5-Épisode-10-2 selyse hanged

Jon is telling Sam about the army of the undead. “How many Valyrian Steel swords are left in the seven kingdoms?” Sam asks. “Not enough.” Jon responds. Sam wants to be sent with Gilly and the baby to the Citadel in Old Town to become a maester. But really, I get the feeling he wants to save the baby. But he makes a good case for sending him: he can learn things that will help in their fight against the White Walkers. Jon doesn’t want him to go, but allows it. When Sam tells him about Gilly riding the Sam train, Jon is perplexed and asks him, “You’ve just been beaten half to death. How did you?” Same gets the best line of the episode with “Very carefully.”

Sam, Gilly and the baby depart. Jon’s number of friends in Castle Black keep dwindling.

Stannis’s army marches. Winterfell is before them.

The Boltons are getting ready for Stannis. Sansa uses the corkscrew from a couple of episodes back to escape her room. Why she drops the corkscrew in the doorway, I’ll never know.  She brings a candle to the Old Tower, but lights it 10 second after Brienne stops looking for it. Classic Stark luck.

Pod is bringing back a dead fox and some wood. He spots Stannis’s army and rushes to Brienne to tell her.

stannis in battle

Stannis wants to lay siege, but the Boltons aren’t having any of that. They ride out to him. Stannis draws his sword. The Bolton riders flank his men on both sides. It’s a bloody battle, but Stannis is standing at the end of it. Two of Bolton’s men slice his legs, but he slices their throats. Brienne approaches Stannis as he’s lying against a tree, unable to stand. She accuses him of murdering Renley with blood magic. Stannis admits to it. Brienne executes Stannis.

death of stannis

Ramsey survived the battle. He’s enjoying himself, picking off the few men left of Stannis’s army. The battlefield is littered with bodies on both sides.

Sansa tries sneaking back to her chambers, but is ambushed on the way by Ramsey’s girlfriend Myranda and Reek. Myranda is about to get all Katniss Everdeen up on Sansa with her bow and arrow, but Reek saves Sansa and throws Myranda to her death. Reek and Sansa run. When they see Ramsey returning, they make their escape Thelma and Louise-style off one of the high walls of Winterfell into the snow banks below.


Meryn Trant has three young girls in his room. He’s beating them bloody. This guy is sick. Two of the girls scream. The third, a girl whose hair is covering her face, doesn’t scream. Hello, Arya. She brushes her hair back…no, not Arya. Or is it? Her faces changes. It is Arya! She stabs Meryn Trant in the eyes and the chest. “You were the first person on my list, you know?” she tells him. Arya is to the paining this guy! She tells him he’s no one and slits his throat. Arya is officially a BAMF.

At the house of black and white, Arya puts the mask she used back in its place. Jaqen confronts her. He’s pissed. “Only death can pay for life.” he says, and whips out a vial of poison. Both Arya and I are worried he’s going to pour the poison down Arya’s throat. But he doesn’t! Jaqen poisons himself and drops dead! That was fucked up.


Wait, the girl is Jaqen too! Wait a second, how did she/he change her/his height? And are either of these the Jaqen from past seasons? Arya keeps ripping masks off Jaqen’s dead face. It’s like a Scooby Doo episode! Eventually Arya gets to own face, and then she goes blind. She can’t see and her eyes are all white. WTF!

Viper Mom kisses Myrcella on the lips as Myrcella, Jaime, Trystane and Bronn leave. My first thought is, “Did Viper Mom poison Myrcella with that kiss?” Dagger tells Bronn, “You want a good girl, but you need a bad pussy.” She knows Bronn so well.

On the boat, Jamie gives Myrcella a “We don’t choose whom we love” speech. He’s trying to tell her he’s her dad, but she already knows, and she’s cool with it. She says she’s glad Jamie is her father. Clearly, this shocks Jamie. Awwww. Wait, ew ew ew ew, he’s still her uncle-father. Damn inbred Lannisters making be care about their incestuous romance. Myrcella nose starts bleeding and she dies in Jamie’s arms. Fucking Viper Mom.

Back at the dock, Viper Mom and the Vipers are watching the boat sail away. Viper Mom’s nose is bleeding too. She wipes the blood from her nose and the poison off her lips. Then she drinks the antidote, the crazy viper girls following behind her.

Tyrion, Daario and Jorah are chilling in the throne room. Glad they lived. Grey Worm and Missandei join them. They talk of forming a party to go find Dany. Daario points out why Tyrion wouldn’t be an asset to a search party, saying “Mainly you talk.” Tyrion counters, “And drink.” Daario wants to leave Tyrion, Greyworm and Missandei to run Mereen. That leaves Daario and Jorah to find Dany. The boyfriend and friend zone hunting for Dany! Oh boy.

Tyrion watches Friend Zone and Daario leave. Varys comes out of nowhere and joins him on the balcony. Varys gives Tyrion a nice a pep talk that makes Tyrion almost happy to see him.

Dany and Drogon are on a mountaintop. Drogon is healing. He’s surrounded by the burnt skeletons of all the animals she’s eaten recently. Dany mounts Drogan, but he literally flips her off. She wants to go home, but he want to nap.

Some Dothraki ride up on Dany. By some, I mean a whole herd. They encircle her. She’s as confused by their appearance as I am. She drops her ring on the ground. Is this in case someone comes looking for her? Or did she not want the Dothraki to see that ring?

Cersei is in her cell. Her favorite nun visits and tells her to confess. Cersei confesses to the High Sparrow. She confesses to sleeping with Lancel, but not Jaime. She wants to return to her son, the king. The High Sparrow  tells her,  “After your atonement.” Cersei is stripped and washed by the nuns. They chop her hair off, giving her a stylish pixie cut. It’s like Cersei by way of Annie Lennox. They’re not precise with the razor and she’s bleeding from a few spots.


The High Sparrow makes her walk naked back to the castle through the crowds of people. A nun follows her ringing a bell and shouting “Shame!”. I think the High Sparrow checks out her ass as she walks away. That High Sparrow is so cheeky! Wow, this is a lot of naked Lena Headley this episode. Was she even this naked in the pilot? This is like season 1 Dany nakedness. The crowd catcalls Cersei, calling her a whore and a bitch and a cunt. She just keeps walking. They pelt her with rotten food. She just keeps walking. I’m pretty sure someone slapped feces on her shoulder. She’s spat on and hit with buckets of muck, but keeps walking. I will say this for the Faithful Militant, they beat back anyone who tries to actually touch her. She’s knocked to the ground, but gets back up and eventually reaches the safety of the castle. She’s crying, and her feet are bloody. Between that, and her new haircut, I feel like Annie Lennox’s Walking on Broken Glass should have been playing during this scene.

cersei-lannister bloody

I also feel like this is going to give us Cersei 2.0. The High Sparrow and Viper Mom better watch their backs in season 6.

When Cersei enters the castle, she’s gawked at by the advisers she used to lord over. The only one who doesn’t gawk is Dr Frankenstein, who presents her with the newest member of the Kings Guard. I’ts Mountain, reborn as the WWE’s Undertaker.

zombie mountain

Vijayjay returns to Castle Black alone, looking lost. Jon wants to know about Stannis, and Davos wants to know about Shireen. She meets them both with silence.

Later, Jon is reading his mail. I don’t think he’s getting the men he needs. Ollie, that punk kid who killed Ygritte last season, comes in with news. He tells Jon that wildling says Jon’s Uncle Benjen is still alive and the wildling knows where to find him. Jon is excited! I’m excited! You might be confused. Who is Uncle Benjen, you ask? He’s Ned’s brother and was First Ranger of the Night’s Watch in season 1. He disappeared when out ranging, only his horse returned. He’s been missing (and presumed dead) ever since. Jon is excited. He runs to where a group of Night’s Watch brothers have the wildling surrounded. But it was a ploy. There’s no wildling there, just a cross on it that says “TRAITOR.”  Thorne stabs Jon, and says “For the Watch” as he does so. So do a bunch of other brothers. They all repeat “For the watch” as they stab him. Ollie is the last to stab him Jon. He almost hesitates. Fucking Ollie. First Ygritte and now Jon? I hate this kid.


They killed Jon Snow! No!!!!! WHATTT?!? Why make us care about his parentage if you’re just going to do him like that?!?

Game of Thrones

Jon Snow bleeds out in the snow. I sit on my couch stunned for the next five minutes, trying to come up with ways that Jon isn’t dead. My first and best idea is that Smoky Vijayjay find Jon and saves him with some of her blood and fire magic early next season. Red magic saved that Robin Hood dude that couldn’t kept coming back from dead a few seasons ago. Come on, Smoky Vijayjay! Redeem yourself and save Jon Snow!

smoky save jon snow

Game of Thrones – S5E9 – The Dance of Dragons – Recap

The episode opens on Stannis’s camp. Smoky Vijayjay is spooked. Fires are breaking out everywhere. Is this some kind of vision? No, no, this is real. Ramsey apparently came with his 20 good men.  Davos wants to retreat. Between Ramsey’s sneak attack and the hard winter storm, they can’t press forward and soon will be snowed in and unable to retreat too.  Stannis says no. He commands to “Have the dead horses butchered for meat.” That sounds like the story of Stannis’s army, am I right?

Jon and company return to the Wall. Thorne opens the gates. You can just tell that Thorne wants to kill every one of the wildlings and Jon too.

Stannis is sending Davos to the Wall to command Jon to give him more troops. Davos wants to take Stannis’s family with him, especially Stannis’s daughter, but Stannis says “My family stays with me.” I wonder if deep down Davos knows what Stannis has planned for his own daughter, Shireen.  Davos visits Shireen before she leaves. She’s reading The Dance of Dragons. No spoilers, Shireen! I’m not up to that book yet!

Jaime is brought before the Dornish prince. Myrcella, Trystane and Slutty Princess Leia are all there. I really need a new nickname for Slutty Princess Leia. She hasn’t worn anything remotely resembling Leia’s outfit from Jabba’s throne room all season. That said, if my life depended on knowing what her actual name is, I’d be as dead as the Red Viper. Jaime tells them about the threatening message they received in King’s Landing regarding his daughter-niece. The prince doesn’t want war. He proposes a toast to Tomlin. Leia dumps her wine. Jaime wants Bronn freed, but the prince leaves it up to Prince Trystane to decide Bronn’s fate, since Bronn assaulted Trystane. The younger prince will set Bronn free on one conidtion…

The viper girls are in their cell. Two of them, Dagger and another one, Whip maybe, are playing the slap game. Dagger is losing…or is she? She eventually gets the better of her half-sister, and when it’s her turn, Dagger doesn’t bother going for her half-sister’s hands and slaps her in the face instead. The guard comes in and frees Bronn. Ah, it turned out Trystane’s one condition is that huge black guard knocks Bronn’s teeth in. Definitely better than dying.

oysters clams cuckolds

Arya is selling oysters, clams and cuckolds down at the canal. She passes by the Slim Man, and ignores his call for some oysters when she spots Lord Tyrell and his gold cloak guardman. They have her full attention. She follows them. Arya spends the day eating shellfish and casing the Iron Bank. Mace Tyrell breaks out into a weird song; I’m not sure what that’s about. After sundown, she follows the gold cloak and two knights to a whore house. She is reprimanded to “Sell your fish somewhere else.” Heh, that line being said in a whorehouse makes me giggle. But there’s demand for the oysters in the whorehouse, and she’s allowed to stay.  The gold cloak, who you may remember as Meryn Trant, the jerk who killed Arya’s sword teacher in s season one, likes young girls, like really young girls. He keeps calling the girls presented to him too old. When he’s finally given a girl of 10 or 12, he says wants her for more than the hour and wants a new one tomorrow. Gross. Gross. Gross.

Arya returns to the House of Black and White. She lies to Jaqen, saying that the Thin Man didn’t want oysters today. I think she was supposed to poison the Thin Man with her oysters, because Jaqen mentions that another man is dead today instead of the Thin Man.

The Dornish prince wants Viper Mom (formerly Slutty Princess Leia) to swear allegiance or die. She bows and swears allegiance to him. The viper girls aren’t happy for her humiliation. I don’t see how the prince thinks she’s even 1% actually contrite.

Jaime is writing a letter when Viper Mom comes to pay him a visit. She talks of love, and even approves of Jaime and Cersei’s love. Do not trust this lady, Jaime!

Stannis visits his daughter. She tells him about the dance of dragons. It’s a story that heavily resembles the current strife between the kings. Stannis sounds weak here, like he’s resigned to sacrificing his daughter. She says she’ll do anything she can to help. Don’t say that Shireen! Stannis mutters, “Forgive me.” Remember like, what, four or five episodes ago, when Stannis said he’d never let anyone harm his daughter? Yeah, well, about that…

Stannis’s daughter is marched to a stake. Smoky Vijayjay commands for Shireen to be tied to the stake. Stannis isn’t there to watch, and then he suddenly is. Both parents are there. Amazingly, Mrs. Stannis is the one who breaks, trying to free their daughter as the fire ignites around her. Huh, I wouldn’t have guessed that, with Mrs. Stannis being the originally thought sacrificing her own daughter was a good idea. Stannis stops Mrs. Stannis from intervening. Princess Shireen burns. Stannis looks like a shell of himself. This was supposed to empower him, but he just looks broken now.

Fathers Day in Westeros

Over in Mereen, everyone is at the fighting pits. The colosseum is full. Let’s get ready to rumbllllllllle. Tyrion has finally cleaned up, but is still sporting that beard. The first match features the strong vs. the quick. Last season taught me to pick the strong in this kind of fight (Red Viper RIP). Daario talks about how the quick will triumph. Down in the the quick quickly dies. Dany isn’t a fan of the fighting pits. When Dany’s fiance defends the fighting pits, Tyrion counters with “It’s easy to confuse what is and what ought to be especially when what is works in your favor.” and also tells him “My father would have liked you.” I can’t think of a bigger insult coming from Tyrion than a comparison to Tywin.

Friend Zone is in the next bout. It’s six way battle royale. Oh Jorah… Friend Zone is almost immediately stabbed in the throat. He bounces back, but is overpowered. Friend Zone manages kills the guy. Don’t relax, Jorah! You still have four other guys to fight. Friend Zone squares off against another fighter. The guy is way too quick for Jorah, cutting him three times. Eventually, it’s down to Friend Zone and one other fighter. Unfortunately, Jorah is disarmed. He looks to Dany. Is he looking for mercy? Tyrion tells her to end the fight. Dany’s future husband says she can’.  Tyrion says she can. Amazingly, Friend Zone manages to avoid being killed, and despite his opponent being much more armored than him, he manages to stab the guy in the belly. Friend Zone stands before the queen. Come on, Jorah, say “Are you not entertained?” You know you want to. The people are all booing him. I think a lot of people lost a lot of money betting against Friend Zone. As he’s being booed, Friend Zone hurls a spear at Dany’s platform. But the spear wasn’t meant for her, or her fiance, or even Daario, but for a Son of the The Harpy that was sneaking up behind Dany. Harpies are everywhere. They’re butchering people. The Unsullied fight back and guard Dany. The Harpies kill Dany’s future husband. I did not see that one coming. I thought he was their boss. Tyrion saves Dany’s Missandei.


There are so many Harpies. It’s like the arena battle on Geonosis in Attack of the Clones. I will never forgive this episode of Game of Thrones for making me think of Attack of the Clones. Dany is surrounded. We need some dragons and we need them now. The Unsullied, Daario and Friend Zone are good at holding the Harpies back. Dany closes her eyes like she’s fine with dying and will do so on her feet. Just then, a dragon screeches! A dragon flies overhead. Drogon?

dany and drogon

Dragon! Drogon flies down to protect Dany. The Harpies flee or burn. Some do both. The Harpies are men and women. For some reason, I thought they were all men. Maybe it’s because they’re called Sons of the Harpy. Time for a name change…if any of them survive Drogon. Crap, despite being huge, Drogon is still not a fully grown dragon. Spears piece him. He’s getting weaker. Dany walks to him, pulling spears from his hide. He yells at her. The Harpies attack him again. Dany mounts Drogon. She commands him forward and he flies away with her. Um, Dany, don’t forget your people down below…

Tuesday Night Comics Episode 76 – 6/17/15 New Comics Previews

With all the comic book companies holding back on their big announcements until San Diego Comic Con, it’s a fairly slow news week, but that news that’s come is good news: we are finally seeing the publication of Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb’s Captain America: White.

The guys both play the Twenty, picking out what new comics they would buy on a $20 budget, and for a second week in a row, have a hard time sticking to only $20.
drfate 1 cover archie v predator 3 cover
Plus, reviews of Batman Volume 6: Graveyard Shift, a bunch of Convergence and Secret Wars books and more!

Game of Thrones – S5E8 – Hardhome – Recap

The episode starts with Tyrion and Friend Zone standing before Dany. When Tyrion hears that she’s not a fan of Lannisters, he quickly points out that “I am the greatest Lannister killer of all time,” seeing as he killed his mother in childbirth and killed his father on the shitter. Tyrion clearly impresses Dany, who decides to keep him on as an advisor. His first job is to advise her on what to do with Friend Zone. While Jorah might not be happy with Tyrion’s decision that Dany should banish him, he did successfully keep Dany from killing her former Friend Zone. The grey scale is spreading on Friend Zone’s arm. I don’t think he’s long for this world. Hmmm, now that he’s been banished twice by Dany, Jorah may no longer qualify in his nickname of Friend Zone. Should I start calling him The Knight Formerly Known as Friend Zone?

Cersei is alone in her cell. Wow, it didn’t take long for Cersei to look like shit. A Westerosi version of a nun brings Cersei some gruel. The nun wants her to confess. Cersei tells the nun that her face will be the last things that the nun sees before she dies. Remember kids, a Lannister always pays her debts.

Arya is now Anna, an orphan. She’s telling Jaqen a story about buying and selling oysters. It’s an elaborate story, full of details. Arya becomes that oyster seller in real life. But more importantly, she becomes a spy down by the canal. She’s set to spy on The Thin Man, a crooked insurance broker who doesn’t pay out to families of dead sea captains. The Thin Man likes oysters. I think the Thin Man is going to die…

A guy who I think is a septon comes to visit Cersei. The septon tells her there’s a way out, but Cersei knows what it is, and she won’t confess. He tells her that Uncle Kevan is returning to King’s Landing to serve as Tomlin’s hand. Remember when Cersei was forcing enemies out of King’s Landing and consolidating power? You know, a whole two episodes ago? Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Sansa wants to know why Theon betrayed her. He reminds her that there is no Theon, only Reek. Sansa hates him for killing her brothers, but he ends up admitting that he didn’t kill Bran and Rickon, but rather two farm boys. He also says that he told Ramsey about the candle because he knows first hand how well Ramsey takes escape attempts. Reek says that Ramsey caught Theon escaping “and cut away piece after piece until there was no Theon left.” So wait a minute, Theon is Reek’s dick? I guess that makes sense, since Theon always did think with his dick. Hey, remember that time he unknowingly fingered his sister? Classic Theon…

Ramsey wants to take the fight to Stannis. Roose says they can’t afford the men. Ramsey tells Roose he doesn’t need an army. He only needs 20 good men.

Okay, I know everyone is treating the end of this episode as the “Oh shit!” moment of the season, but can we talk about this scene right here, where Dany and Tyrion become a team? I feel like this scene is getting seriously overlooked because of the final scene of this episode. Dany and Tyrion, I like this team. At first glance, it looks like Tyrion is auditioning for Dany, but really it’s a two way street. Tyrion says to her that he needs “To see if you’re the right kind of terrible.” At the end of their conversation, they’re both impressed with the other. Dany wants him to stay on as advisor, and he wants that too. His first suggestion is that she gives up her quest for the iron throne. This prompts Dany to give her “I’m not going to stop the wheel. I’m going to break the wheel” speech from the season 5 trailer.

team dany tyrion

Jorah, like a true Friend Zone, can’t take a hint. He wants in on the fighting pits. He wants to fight in the Great Pit before Dany. He even goes so far to sell himself back into slavery just for a chance to fight in front of Dany. Friend Zone has it baaaaaaaad for Dany.

That same sister as before tries to get Cersei to confess again. She holds out a ladle of water to help elicit a confession. Cersei refuses to confess. Cersei bribes the sister to let her out, and when that doesn’t work, threatens her. The sister dumps the ladle of water on the ground and leaves. Cersei has enough pride left to wait until the sister leaves before licking the water off the ground.

Up at Castle Black, Gilly is treating Sam’s wounds. That kid shows up, the one whose family was killed by wildlings. He can’t understand why Jon would makes deals with the wildlings. Sam explains hard choices to the kid, and that they need the wildlings on their side, or else they’re all going to be fodder for the army of the undead.

Speaking of wildlings, Jon arrives with Redbeard and some men at the wildling camp. It makes for a great visual: the wildlings are all in white and Jon’s in black. As Jon’s boat approaches the shore, I can’t help but think that Jon is four five seconds from wildlings.

When they reach shore, Jon and Redbeard meet with Skeletor, I mean Lord of Bones. LoB makes a comment about Redbeard sucking Jon’s cock. Redbeard answers this by beating Skeletor senseless with his own staff. Jon tells them, “I’m not asking you to forget your dead. I’ll never forget mine.” God, Jon is awesome. Jon gives a “We live together or die alone” speech straight out of Jack’s playbook on Lost. Redbeard’s name is Tormond. I’ll never remember that. He’ll be Redbeard forever, but I’ll try. Tormond gets the best line of the episode when he calls Jon prettier than his daughters. Not all the wildlings join up. The Then refuses. This new lady wildling, who is immediately my favorite new character on the show, says “I fucking hate Thens.” You and everyone else, lady.


5000 or so wildlings join Jon. Jon isn’t happy. He wanted more. He says, “We’re leaving too many behind.” He 100% realizes he’ll be fighting the corpses of these wildlings in the future. My new favorite wildling lady loads her daughters on the boats and says she’ll be right back after she loads the old folks. Uh-oh. No one is ever right back when they say that.

Game-of-Thrones-Hardhome-new favorite wildling

A giant is playing with dragon glass. He’s like Hagrid with a potty mouth.

The dogs start barking. Ruh-roh. Jon knows something is up. It sounds like thunder approaching. Everyone knows what’s up; they just don’t want to admit it. Chaos breaks as the wildlings rush behind the gates. Orders are given to close the gate. How are gates going to stop this? A bunch of wildlings are stuck outside the gates in the storm. The storm keeps coming. The wildling outside are banging on the gate, and then they’re suddenly not. Double ruh-roh. The Then looks through the gate. He’s rewarded with a zombie almost poking out his eyes. These zombies are viscious. They punch through wood!That’s right, Game of Thrones zombies can punch through wood. These zombies make The Walking Dead zombies seem like puppies. Everyone runs for the boats. Jon tries to maintain order. The zombies overtake the building with the giant and Jon’s buddy. They scale fences and dig under them too. Or just punch through it. Freefolk are swimming  in the freezing water to escape. Jon wants to save as many people as possible. Awesome New Lady Wildling (did they ever say her name?) wants Jon to go. Redbeard and Jon attack the zombies, giving the wildlings a chance to escape. Redbeard and Jon make a good team. I’d watch that Game of Thrones spin off. It would be like The Odd Couple, one’s in the Nights Watch, the other is a wildling. The White Walkers are just watching from the hill. Oh man, this fight hasn’t even really started. Jon realizes they can’t lose the the dragon glass! He fights his way back to the building. Potty Mouth Hagrid bursts through, ripping through the zombies. He’s like the Hulk of the group. Jon Snow is Captain America and everyone else is Hawkeye. A White Walker walks into the building. The Then fights the walker while Jon hunts the glass. Fights is an overstatement. It’s more like the Then dies immediately. The Walker throws Jon across the room. Don’t fight, Jon! Run! Jon manages to flee and grab Bearclaw Longclaw (whose name I keep confusing with the name of Josh Gadd’s character on The New Girl. He uses it to parry the Walker’s blow and it doesn’t shatter! Holy shit! Jon kills the walker with a swipe of Bearclaw Longclaw. Okay, so unless Longclaw has a coating of dragon glass on it, it looks like Valyrian steel is another way to kill White Walkers. The only problem being are there even a dozen Valyrian steel weapons left in Westeros? Hold onto Longclaw, Jon!

jon vs white walker

A young White Walker watches from the mountain top. For a second I thought this was Joffrey back as a White Walker. That would be classic Joffrey, dying just to come back as something worse.

Down below a group of zombie kids charge my new favorite wildling. She can’t process fighting them. She doesn’t flee; she just lets them overtake her and then dies. Thanks, Game of Thrones writers. Jerks.

new fave character

A herd of zombies cascade over the side of the mountain. It’s like watching a zombie version of the old computer game Lemmings. They all lie at the bottom for a moment and then pop up to attack. Everyone retreats to the sea. Jon and the guys are rowing to the boat, though it really looks like they’re just lackadaisically floating to the boat. I’d be rowing like a madman at this point. Who am I kidding? At this point, I’d already be zombie fodder. Hulk walks to the boat, tossing zombies to and fro, picking them off himself like fleas. He actually passes by Jon’s boat. Thanks for the assist, Hulk. You could have just pulled the boat. Jerk. Giant jerk. Jon sees all the men fighting on the shore…well, more like dying on the shore and he feels like a failure. The White Walker that I thought was Joffrey (he’s not!), but seems to be the Head White Walker in Charge (HWWIC) strolls to the dock and stares down Jon Snow. He raises his hands and….everyone who died rises as a zombie. Ohhhhh fuck. Hey Jon, why are you still just watching this? Row, man! Row!

come at me snow

What was the bigger deal to you this episode? The White Walker attack or the newly formed tag team of Dany and Tyrion?

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast – Live from SE: NYC!

Welcome to the new episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast! Dave and Billy were both at Special Edition: NYC this weekend (along with Terry: Intern of SHIELD). They have a full report from the con, including snippets of Brian Michael Bendis talking about his new post-Secret Wars Iron Man series at Saturday’s Marvel panel.

SE NYC Marvel Panel

At SE: NYC, the guys had a chance to sit down with indie comics creators Josh Dahl (Rapid City: Below Zero), Raheem Nuamah (writer – Go Robo Now!) and Jorell Rivera (artist – Go Robo Now!)

rapid city below zero 1 go robo now 1

The guys also review Secret Wars #3, a host of Secret Wars tie-ins, James Robinson’s Airboy #1 from Image Comics and more. Plus, hear how Billy and Dave would each spend a $20 budget on new comics this week in the latest installment of The Twenty.

Excelsior! Be sure to subscribe to the Tuesday Night Comics podcast on iTunes!

Game of Thrones – S5E7 – The Gift – Recap

Hey there, and welcome to another recap of Game of Thrones! A few ground rules: 1) I have read the books only up to what would be the end of season 4 of the TV show, so please don’t comment with anything that happened in the books but has yet to happen in the show. 2) There are spoilers for Season 5, episode 7 and before in this recap. If you haven’t watched The Gift yet, come back when you have. 3) I like to give characters nicknames. And away we go…

Is it me or are we opening on Castle Black a lot these days? Yes, I could go back and easily check my recaps to see if that’s true, but instead I’m just going to go with it and accept it as fact. Redbeard and Jon are in the courtyard. Jon releases Redbeard from his chains, so that Jon can accompany him north of the wall to recruit the remaining wildlings. Everyone, including the wildlings, thinks this is a bad idea. Sam might be the only one is Jon’s corner here. He gives Jon a pouch of dragon glass, and hopes Jon doesn’t need it. Jon leaves Thorne in charge. I’m sure this is going to end well.

Later, Maester Aemon is being tended to by Gilly, Sam and baby Sam. Okay, baby Sam isn’t so much as tending to him, but he’s there. Maester Aemon doesn’t seem long for the world. He’s no longer sharp, and it appears like senility is setting in. When baby Sam laughs, Aemon smiles and says, “Egg laughed like that.” Oh, wait, no not egg, “Aeg.” He means Aegon, his younger brother, aka the Mad King. Aemon warns Sam and Gilly to take the baby south before it’s too late. Listen to Aemon, kids. Winter is coming.

In Winterfell, Reek brings Sansa a meal. At first, it looked like she was still in her wedding dress and I thought this was the morning after her wedding night. But no, it’s a white dressing gown. Sansa asks Theon for help. “He already hurts me every night.” By hurts, I’m assuming she means, violently has sex with. She tells Theon about the candle, and the woman who promised to help her. She gives Theon a candle and asks him to take it to the Broken Tower and light it.

Theon, of course, takes it right to Ramsey. Fucking Reek… But really, what did you expect? This is Game of Thrones, and if there is one constant on this show, it’s that characters will consistently get fucked over.

Brienne is outside Winterfell, biding her time. It doesn’t look like Theon/Reek will be saving Sansa. Will it be Brienne who guts Ramsey? I really would like to see Sansa stab him herself.

Up at Castle Black, Maester Aemon passes away. His last words are “Aeg, I dreamed I was old.” The Nights Watch has a funeral for him, led by Sam. Thorne whispers in Sam’s ear, “You’re losing all your friends, Tarly.” I believe the point of this line was to remind you in case you forgot that Thorne is the worst.

Sansa is with Ramsey. Sansa grabs a corkscrew without him noticing. Yes, stab him. Stab him. She doesn’t. But that corkscrew has to be used later, right? Isn’t there an old writing adage that says “A corkscrew picked up in episode seven must be used to gouge out Ramsey’s eyes by episode ten?” I’m sure I heard that somewhere. Sansa finds out Jon is the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Wow, Sansa really is out of the loop when it comes to her family, right? She thinks she and Jon are the only ones alive, even though Arya, Bran and Rickon are out somewhere out there (cue the theme song to An American Tail). Ramsey has Sansa’s candle and shows Sansa the body of the old woman who wanted to help her. She’s been flayed. “You should hold onto your candles. The nights are so long now.” This guy, constantly creepier, I swear.

Davos gives Stannis an update. The men are all freezing. It’s snowing too hard to march. Stannis doesn’t want to hear it. He says, “We go forward, only forward.” Stannis’s power song is “No Retreat, No Surrender” by Bruce Springsteen. Smoky Vajayjay once again wants to sacrifice Stannis’s daughter to help him smite his enemies. Stannis won’t hear it.

Two guys of the Watch are harassing Gilly. Remember kids, most of the men up there are there to avoid prison sentences. They’re not all Sam and Jon. They’re mostly thieves, murderers and rapists. Sam comes to Gilly’s defense. The two guys then promptly proceed to kick Sam’s ass. Still, Sam rises and stands up to them. Ghost comes to his aid. That scares off the two dudes. Sam passes out. Gilly nurses Sam. Part of “healing” him involves mounting him. You go, Samwell!

Tyrion and Friend Zone are on the auction block. Some guy buys Friend Zone for 20 gold. Tyrion pleads that the guy buys him as well. “We’re a team!” he says. Everyone laughs. To prove his point, Tyrion sucker punches the slaver holding his chain. A couple of more coins gets the buyer Tyrion too. Was that even two gold? It might have been two copper for all we know. The slaver was happy with the price though.

Dany and Daario are in bed. Geez Dany, didn’t you just get engaged to someone else? Daario wants her to marry him instead of the master who wanted the fighting pits reopened. He advises her to gather all the masters and then slaughter all the masters. When Dany says that she’s not a butcher, Daario gets the best line of the episode with, “All rulers are either butchers or meat.”

Grandma meets with the High Sparrow. I love Grandma; she doesn’t take shit from anyone. Still, she can’t get the High Sparrow to free her grandchildren. As she leaves, she’s given a note from Littlefinger’s messenger.

At the castle Tomlin is pissed, and he’s letting Cersei know. He wants his wife, Princess Low Cut, freed! Cersei tells him what he wants to hear.

Over in Dorne, Jaime is talking with his daughter-niece. She doesn’t understand why he’s there. She’s been in Dorne for years, why is it suddenly dangerous, she wants to know. Wow, has she really been here for years? It’s hard to figure out sometimes how much time is passing between episodes and seasons on this shows. Myrcella twists the knife by saying that Jaime doesn’t even know her. Hey! That’s no way to talk to your uncle-dad!

Bronn and the viper girls are chilling in adjacent jail cells. The cutest one, Dagger, starts flirting with him and wants to know if she’s the prettiest woman he’s ever seen. Bronn says that he’s seen a lot of pretty women. Bronn is clearly a fan of “negging.” Dagger shows him a tit. My first thought is Bronn, I don’t think this is gong to end well. And would you look at that, Bronn collapses. Dagger says she zapped him with a slow acting poison when she stabbed him in their fight. Gotta love/be deathly afraid of a woman who times her flirtation to her poison just right. She offers him the antidote, but only if he concedes that she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. He quickly does. She tells him, “I think you’re very handsome as well.” Bronn lives another day. I won’t lie, I feel like she is just the right amount of crazy for Bronn. Who else wants to see these two get together? Raise your hand.

In King’s Landing, we get an almost shot-for-shot remake of a shot from season one, showing Littlefinger spying through a peephole. Except that this time, there’s no one to spy on. He’s looking in on his ransacked best little whorehouse in Westeros. Shortly thereafter, Grandma and Littlefinger converse. For obvious reasons, neither is a fan of the new High Septon/Sparrow. Grandma doesn’t trust Littlefinger, making her the smartest person on the show. But Littlefinger says he’s in House Tyrell’s corner, and only came to King’s Landing because of a direct order from Cersei. Grandma seems to believe him, which 100% goes against the rule of “Never believe Littlefinger (unless he says he’s going to betray you. Ned Stark RIP).”

game of thrones s5e7 jorah

Finally, the fighting pits! A bunch of fighters are brought out, but Tyrion and Friend Zone are left in the locker room. This is a an early round fight. Whoever wins today moves on and fights before the queen. But look at that, Dany is in the audience. She is not enjoying the savagery of the fights. She wants to leave, but her new husband-to-be advises her to stay out of tradition. When Friend Zone hears that Dany is in the audience, he grabs a sword and joins the melee. Jorah makes short work of everyone and handily wins. Dany is not happy to see him, commanding the guards to “Get him out of my sight.” Friend Zone pleads, “I brought you a gift.” Cue Tyrion emerging from the locker room: “I am the gift. My name is Tyrion Lannister.” And suddenly I can’t wait for the next episode.

Game-of-Thrones-s5e7 the gift tyrion

Cersei visits Princess Low Cut, who is not looking good. Princess Low Cut seems to be in the Marie Antoinette cell. That joke was for all the French history buffs who read these recaps. Cersei then visits the High Sparrow. For the past few weeks, I kept wondering when the High Sparrow was going to turn on Cersei. I mean, come on! You put this religious fanatic in a position of power where he doesn’t even have to obey the king, a king is the product of you and your brother, how are you not counting the days until you end up in the cell next to Majorie? She’s in jail for just lying about her brother’s homosexuality, and she’s the current queen. Does Cersei really think the immediate past queen can somehow avoid jail even when the current queen couldn’t? Yes, Cersei is the one who put the High Sparrow in power, but when has he ever seemed like the type of guy who keeps political allies?  You can almost see the exact moment when Cersei realizes she’s fucked. Sadly, it’s a good two minutes after the audience realizes she’s fucked. Cersei really is her own worst enemy. The High Sparrow calls Lancel forward, Lancel who had many stories to tell him about Cersei. The episode ends with Cersei being thrown into a cell.


Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 78: La Rue de Comics, Convergence’s Big Picture, Our picks for 6/3/15!

Billy is back in the USA with tales of French comic book stores! Dave fills us in with the importance of DC’s Convergence! Both guys are realizing that 20 bucks is just not enough for all of the great comics coming out on Wednesday, 6/3/15!
le Gant
And are you going to be at SE: NYC? So are we! If you see a guy dressed as a SHIELD agent next to a dude with glasses in a t-shirt, say hi!