Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 107 – Secret Wars #9 Reviewed!

The Tuesday Night Book Club continues this week with All-Star Batman and Robin by Frank Miller and Jim Lee. We’re reading the whole series published to date, issues 1-10.

We also have full reviews of Secret Wars #9 by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic, and Squadron Supreme #3 by James Robinson and Leonard Kirk.
Plus, our picks for the comic books you need to buy this Wednesday and a slew of comic book industry news! AND THE RETURN OF BLOODLINES! #bloodlinesneverforget

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 87 – Bashful Billy and Delightful Dave are the New Magic Mike

Bashful Billy and Delightful Dave return for another episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast, reviewing the new Vixen animated series on the CW Seed, Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #4, DC’s Bombshells comics, Phonogram Volume 2 and more. Plus, they tell you how they would spend $20 at the comic book store this week.


Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 86

Welcome to episode 86 of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast! Billy and Dave give you their picks for new comics coming out on Wednesday, 8/26/15, review Secret Wars: Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #3, Justice League #34 and Phonogram Volume 1. Plus, the latest news on DC and Marvel’s TV shows.

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 85 – New Comics Previews for 8/19/15

On the new episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast:

  • People agree with Dave that Fantastic Four isn’t THAT bad.
  • New comic book previews for Wednesday, August 19, 2015
  • Reviews of recent comics, including Secret Wars #5
  • Billy and Dave reminisce about the Looney Tunes DC superhero Happy Meal toys

looney tunes happy meals

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 83 – Hawkman cast on Arrow! The New Spider-Man series! New Comics Reviews!

Billy and Dave preview new comics coming out on Wednesday, 8/5/15, review Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #2, Veil by Greg Rucka, Convergence: Booster Gold, Batgirl Annual #3, Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #2 and a bunch of more comics, and talk about the casting of Hawkman on Arrow.


Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 82 – New Characters on Arrow & Flash! Batman: Earth One Vol 2 Discussion!

Billy and Dave go in-depth on Batman: Earth One Volume Two by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank. They also discuss the latest breaking Arrow and Flash TV news (lots of new characters are coming!) and give you their picks for what new comic books to pick up this Wednesday!

batman earth one vol 2

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 79 – Dave is back! Airboy #2 Reviewed! Crazy Comic Creator News!

Wow! This might be our longest episode ever! Dave is back! Yay! We’ve got some weird comic book news stories from around the web to discuss this week, like Dan Slott vs. John Byrne, and Arthur Suydam vs any creator unlucky enough to have the table to next to him at a comic book convention. Plus, our picks for new comics coming out 7/8/15 and LOTS of comic book reviews!

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 78 – All Things James Robinson! Spider-Man casting!

Short episode today on the Tuesday Night Comics podcast, as Billy is all by himself…all by himmmmmself. Billy promises there is no singing in the episode. Well, maybe a little singing. Who wants to hear Billy talk to himself (and you!) about comic books? Reviews of James Robinson comics! Previews of James Robinson comics! News announcements of James Robinson comics! With all this James Robinson, how is Dave not on this episode?!?
james robinson
Plus, Tom Holland’s has been cast as the new Spider-Man. Billy reacts! And DC runs a facepalm worthy hashtag campaign.

Tuesday Night Comics Episode 76 – 6/17/15 New Comics Previews

With all the comic book companies holding back on their big announcements until San Diego Comic Con, it’s a fairly slow news week, but that news that’s come is good news: we are finally seeing the publication of Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb’s Captain America: White.

The guys both play the Twenty, picking out what new comics they would buy on a $20 budget, and for a second week in a row, have a hard time sticking to only $20.
drfate 1 cover archie v predator 3 cover
Plus, reviews of Batman Volume 6: Graveyard Shift, a bunch of Convergence and Secret Wars books and more!

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 78: La Rue de Comics, Convergence’s Big Picture, Our picks for 6/3/15!

Billy is back in the USA with tales of French comic book stores! Dave fills us in with the importance of DC’s Convergence! Both guys are realizing that 20 bucks is just not enough for all of the great comics coming out on Wednesday, 6/3/15!
le Gant
And are you going to be at SE: NYC? So are we! If you see a guy dressed as a SHIELD agent next to a dude with glasses in a t-shirt, say hi!