Monthly Archives: October 2011
Win a copy of The Mapmaker and the Ghost!
Hey, remember Sarvenaz? She wrote that awesome post about her first comic con expeerience? Well, her book The Mapmaker and the Ghost is coming in April, and to celebrate the release date being only six months away, she’s giving away an Advance Reader Copy on her blog.
So head over to her blog and enter!
My Interview with BOY WONDER Director Michael Morrissey
On Saturday night, attendees at New York Comic Con were treated to a special advance screening of the new vigalante pyschological thriller, BOY WONDER. On Sunday afternoon, I had the pleasure of interviewing BOY WONDER director Michael Morrissey about the film. During the interview, people kept coming up to the BOY WONDER booth raving about the previous night’s screening.
Tuesday Night Movies: What is BOY WONDER about?
Michael Morrissey: BOY WONDER is a dark psychological thriller about what would really happen if the typical superhero tale existed in the real world. And not like Kick Ass in the real world, kind of like a very serious take on the genre. We don’t mention superheroes. We don’t have capes or tights or anything like that. What would the kid’s life be like?
TNM: What inspired you to make this? Was it those vigilante guys in Seattle?
MM: No, it was quite the opposite. I’ve been reading comic books since I was 10 years old and I remember when I was kid, I thought I was going to be a superhero. And this kid, Sean Donovan, loses his mother when he is 10, very violently. What if you got stuck with that idea in your head as a 10 year old? He has a really screwed up situation – his father is an alchoholic. He lives with this idea and it kind of takes hold once he’s a teenager. I like this type of story and this is what I want to see.
TNM: Does BOY WONDER take place in New York City?
MM: Yeah, it’s shot all around New York and Brooklyn. I’m from Brooklyn. I grew up in Marine Park. The kid grew up in Marine Park. Kind of write what you know.
TNM: How was filming in New York City? Did you run into any difficulties while filming on location?
MM: Filming in New York City was great but expensive. And the noise is insane. There is no quiet location outdoors, you just have to hope for the best.
And filming in the NY subways is a crazy experience. Not something I would do again unless I had lots of Hollywood money.
TNM: What kind of preparation did your actors need to do for BOY WONDER?
MM: Caleb Steinmeyer, who plays Sean Donovan, put on about 20 pounds of muscle for the role. We had him in Brooklyn for nine weeks of training. He was very dedicated.
TNM: Where is BOY WONDER opening?
MM: It’s opening in New York City on 10/21/11. It’s opening at the 3rd Ave & 11th St AMC. We’ll be in Chicago on 10/28. And then on 11/8, we’re everywhere: iTunes, Netflix, DVD, etc.
TNM: Has BOY WONDER appeared in any festivals?
MM: We have. We won about 14 film festivals. We won Best Picture at the Vail Film Festival. It shocked us because there were all these high falutin films. We won the Crystal Palace Film Festival in London, Sacremento, Williamsburg.
TNM: Is this your first movie? Did you go to film school?
MM: It’s my first feature. I’m self-taught. I was a writer first, then I did a couple of shorts and learned how to edit. I worked in television for a bit. I finished the script in 2000, tried to raise the money and finally got it done.
TNM: What’s next for you after BOY WONDER?
MM: Working on a new film called MOTHER, a phycological horror/thriller that takes place in Lake Tahoe. Kidnapped kids, female serial killer, nice Disney type stuff.
BOY WONDER opens tomorrow, Friday, 10/21/11 at the AMC 3rd Ave on the corner of 3rd Ave and 11 St in Manhattan.
Interview by Billy Henehan, Photo by Graig Kreindler.
Five Random Observations from My First Comic Con
I am, admittedly, a pretty big geek. But up until now, I’d never attended an actual Comic Con. So this year when Billy brought it up, I jumped at the chance. I used copious amounts of soap and followed his 9 other rules for attending a convention, put on my Harry and the Potters T-shirt and set out for the faraway land of the Javits Center.
1. The first thing I saw then I entered was a girl wearing absolutely no pants, tiny black underwear and fishnet stockings. I have no idea who she was supposed to be, but it was about on par with what I expected from Comic Con. Now that I think of it, it’s also about on par with what I expect at a Lady Gaga concert. And you wouldn’t normally think there’d be a huge cross-section there.
2. I knew I was at the right place when I saw someone dressed as Harry Potter standing next to a Dalek.
3. Billy and I shared a near-death experience. It started out innocently enough: all we wanted to do was to check out a panel. We went to the basement level and the closer we walked toward the room, the more the crowds started to fill in around us.
By the time we realized what was happening, it was too late. We were stuck in a dense ocean of convention goers.
I’m pretty short, so I was very much concerned about my oxygen levels. Although Billy, who was at a higher elevation, tells me that he was concerned about the BO toxicity level. Either way, things were not looking good for either of us.
After about 10 minutes of being stuck in the mob, we came to a sign that let us know just what the crowd was for. It said… “Speed Dating.”
Yup, we almost died cause of Nerd Love.
Though, I have to say. That’s actually an excellent place to get some speed dating done. You probably already have some common ground and a comforting mutual level of social awkwardness to help ease both of you in.
4. At one point, I saw a sign for something called Johnny Cupcakes and immediately wandered over to it. Only when I managed to get close enough to the case did I realize that they were selling plastic toys and not cupcakes. A word to the wise: if you, as a company, put ‘Cupcakes’ in your name, you will sorely disappoint some potential customers even before they have a chance to look at your wares. That was what I call a sad Comic Con moment.
5. I’m big into theme parties, Halloween, and costumes in general and there were some amazingly creative costumes. The whole Darkwing Duck gang was there. There was a giant homemade Bumblebee with working lights. The “Are You My Mummy” empty child from Doctor Who (as well as a ton of 11th and 10th Doctors). Next year, I think I’m definitely dressing up.
And, oh yeah, next year. Because although this was my first Comic Con, I definitely don’t think it’ll be my last. I had a ton of fun. I even had to break my self-imposed book buying ban because there were three titles I just had to get. One of which is called The Crimes of Dr. Watson and is an interactive Sherlock Holmes mystery complete with actual clues you have to piece together. It’s pretty awesome.
In conclusion, judging from the fact that I’m using the phrase “in conclusion,” you can probably guess that I felt right at home at Comic Con. It was made of win. Win dressed in spandex.
Sarvenaz Tash is the author of the upcoming middle grade novel THE MAPMAKER AND THE GHOST. Visit her website
Photos by Graig Kreindler.
NYCC 2011: Green Lantern The Animated Series Pilot Sneak Peak Review
The MTV Theater at New York Comic Con was packed on Saturday morning for the sneak peak screening of the pilot episode of Green Lantern The Animated series. If the pilot is an indication of the overall quality of this series, then Green Lantern The Animated Series can be described in one word, and that word is AWESOME.
The animation is stellar. Try to picture a mix of the CGI from Star Wars: The Clone Wars meeting the classic Bruce Timm style from the Batman, Superman and Justice League cartoons.
NOTE – There are spoilers in this post after this picture. If you’d rather not have anything spoiled, come back after you’ve seen the pilot.
When we first see Hal Jordan, he’s in a familiar predicament, namely crashing an expensive Ferris jet plane and immediately being called to Oa by the Guardians of the Universe. Right before he leaves, he agrees to pick Carol up for dinner that night. By the time we are halfway through the episode, it’s apparent that Hal will not be making dinner or to his day job at Ferris any time soon.
Interestingly, the villains in the pilot weren’t Sinestro’s Yellow Lanterns, but rather the Red Lantern Corps. Atrocitus is in the pilot and it was immediately evident, even when he was cloaked in shadow, that they have redesigned Atrocitus’s look for the series. It looks like The Animated Series versions of Atrocitus and Kilowog might come from the same home world. Kilowog mentions in the episode that his home world was destroyed. Atrocitus looked more like a leaner and meaner Kilowog than the Atrocitus of the comics. This makes sense from a storytelling point of view. Kilowog uses his grief over the destruction of his home planet to drive him to save others, while Atrocitus takes the opposite path of seeking vengeance from the Guardians, who he blames for his planet’s destruction.
I was very happy to recognize Kurtwood Smith as the voice of the Green Lantern that Hal and Kilowog attempt to save from the murderous Red Lanterns. Sadly, this will be the only episode featuring Kurtwood Smith’s voice. This series isn’t pulling any punches showing the Red Lanterns as a real threat. By the end of the episode, two Green Lantern rings were off in search of new wearers. I take that back; they did pull the Red Lanterns’ punch a little, as they no longer vomit flaming blood on their adversaries. The Red Lanterns do have a cool looking fiery glow surrounding them though.
After the pilot was screened, Bruce Timm fielded questions from both the moderator and the audience. When asked if the series would show Hal’s origin story, his answer was no. Bruce went on to explain the reasoning behind this, saying that between the recent Green Lantern feature film and Green Lantern: First Flight, we’ve seen Hal’s origin enough times. Bruce gave a noncommittal answer to whether or not we would be seeing the other Earth-based Lanterns, Kyle, John and Guy, but seemed to indicate in his tone and smile that fans should expect to see the other Earth Lanterns at some point in the series.
Whether you’re a fan of Bruce Timm’s DC cartoons or the character Green Lantern, especially the Green Lantern comic written by Geoff Johns, you will mostly likely be very happy with Green Lantern The Animated Series. Do not miss it when it premieres on Friday, November 11 at 7 PM on Cartoon Network!
Written by David Henehan
The 10 Commandments of NYCC!
Whether the 2011 New York Comic Con is your 1st con or your 50th, follow the 10 Commandments of NYCC to ensure you (and the people around you) have the most enjoyable time possible!
1. SOAP!
This one is so important I put it in all caps. I know, I know, the smelly comic nerd is a stereotype, but I have been to enough comic book conventions to know that it is a stereotype based in fact! I know that everyone wants to get there early to be the first ones through the doors, but showering with soap on con day is ESSENTIAL.
2. There Are Lines for Everything. Wear Comfortable Shoes.
If you are at NYCC, then hopefully you have a high tolerance for waiting on lines. It would be even better if you enjoyed waiting on lines. There are lines for everything: picking up your ticket, getting into the show, waiting to meet your favorite artist, getting into that choice panel. Many of these lines will be long. So wear comfortable shoes.
3. The Rule of Three
If you’re getting some books signed and there’s a line behind you, limit yourself to getting three things signed. Don’t be the guy who pulls out 50 issues of Amazing Spider-Man for John Romita to sign. No one like that guy. Three books are easy deal with pre- and post-signing. Embrace the rule of three.
4. Is That a Girl?
I don’t when it happened, but it’s happened: girls now make up a sizable percentage of attendees at comic book conventions. You’ll probably be standing next one as you wait on line for Matt Fraction’s autograph. Strike up a conversation. You know you already share a few interests in common: comics, multi-part crossovers, a love for long lines. Aren’t you glad you used soap, now?
5. Pack Light
There are a lot of creators at New York Comic Con. You want signatures. Unlike comic book conventions in other cities, you can’t just run out to your car to put books down. What a lot of people do is pack a backpack so full that you end up looking like King Koopa. Don’t be the giant backpack guy. No one likes being hit in the face by his giant backpack when he swings around to watch Brian Michael Bendis walk to the meatball sub stand. Instead, use a trick I started doing a couple of years ago: buy all the comics you want to get signed once you’re at NYCC. The dealers at NYCC know which creators are going to be there and stock their booths accordingly. A lot times these books can be had for a good bargain too! Save your back!
6. What to Pack
I prefer messenger bags to backpacks. It’s much easier to get things in and out of a messenger bag, plus they look cooler. I pack very light. In my bag is a sketchbook, because I like to get sketches of my favorite characters from the artists in Artist’s Alley, a bottle of water, a couple of granola bars, my NYCC pass, maybe one comic if it’s a very expensive or hard to find one that I really want to get signed and THAT’S IT. Remember, the emptier your bag is when you walk in, the more it will be able to hold on your way out!
7. Be Prepared to Pay for Sketches
Some artists are more than happy to give a quick, free head sketch to a fan. Don’t expect that though. If you want a sketch from an artist, ask if he doing sketches and ask how much he charges. Expect to pay anywhere between $20-$300 for a sketch. If the artist quotes a price that is out of your budget, politely decline. These guys are just like the rest of us. They have rent to pay, kids to feed, new iPhones to buy. Convention sketches are an income stream for them.
8. Bring Enough Cash
A lot of dealers accept credit cards. But if you want to haggle, cash is king. And if you’re paying an artist for a sketch or some original art, chances are she doesn’t have a credit card reader at her booth. There is an ATM in the Javitz Center. From what I remember, it charges a high fee. Hit your bank’s ATM on your way to NYCC.
9. What to Eat
There is NOTHING around the Javitz Convention Center in terms of food. There is a Starbucks stand inside, which always has a long line and always sells out of snacks quickly. Bring some easy to carry snacks with you. Some granola bars, a bag of jelly beans, Combos, whatever you like. Just no chocolate. It melts, and if the wrapper breaks, it will ruin all your comics. Personally, I am a fan of the meatball sub they sell in the convention. It’s a little pricey, but it’s probably the same price you’d pay if you walked to the closest deli for one. And the closest deli is not close.
10. Stay Cool
This is second most important tip after soap, which is why I saved it for the end. NYCC is going to be very crowded. If this year is anything like last year, it will be hard to move around on Saturday and Sunday. Don’t push! Don’t freak out at the person next you! Stay cool. We’re all in this together.
If you follow these 10 Commandments of NYCC, I have no doubt that you will have a great time! This is going to be an awesome four days! Enjoy them!
Written by Billy Henehan and David Henehan
NYCC: The Sunday Panels and Screenings
Sunday at NYCC. It’s a little more laid back than Saturday. Expect to see a lot of empty Artist Alley tables, as pros take their time getting to the con while working off hangovers from the industry parties the night before. Sunday is kids day at NYCC, which means that while the show floor won’t be as packed as it is on Saturday, you can still expect a big crowd, this time with the added bonus of screaming and crying kids. Maybe it would be a good idea to sit back and relax at a panel. Here are Sunday’s highlights!
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM – Conan Spotlight with Jason Mamoa, Stephen Lang and Rose McGowan
Go to the panel and then check out my review of Conan the Barbarian here.
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM – Wand Dueling for Kids
If you have kids, there’s at least a 100% chance they love Harry Potter. Bring them to the Hasbro stage so that can learn dueling the Hogwarts way. Just be worried if they yell “Avada Kedavra” at you next time you tell them to clean their room.
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM – IFC’s Portlandia and the Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret
Portlandia is hilarious. I don’t know anything about The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret, but Portlandia is hilarious. Plus, Seth Meyers and Fred Armisen will be here.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Geek Parenting: Raising Your Kid in Our Own Geeky Image
In case you can’t make this panel, here is some quick advice. Show your kids the original trilogy. Deny the prequels ever happened.
12:45 PM – 1:45 PM – Spotlight on Robert Kirkman
Robert Kirkman was great on his episode of the Nerdist podcast a few months ago. This should be a lot of fun.
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM – Spotlight on Chris Claremont and Paul Levitz
Your inner child from 1985 REALLY wants you to go to this panel.
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM – Level Up World Premiere Screening
This Cartoon Network original movie looks like it could be fun. It’s about three high school gamers who open up a portal to a video game world. Wait a minute, wasn’t that premise of Captain N?
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM – DC ALL ACCESS: Meet the Publishers
Jim Lee and Dan DiDio talking about the New 52. Now that we’re a month and a half into the New 52, it should be interesting to see their plans for finishing out the year.
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM – X-Men Regenesis
X-Men Schism was awesome and I’m really looking forward to Wolverine and the X-Men.
That’s it for Sunday! Be sure to check out the panels for Thursday, Friday and Saturday too! And don’t forget to check out this year’s NYCC Con Exclusives Highlights!
NYCC 2011: The Saturday Panels & Screenings
Saturday is going to be MOBBED at NYCC. Need a break from the crowds on the show floor? Maybe I can interest you in a nice panel, yes? Saturday has, in my opinion, two must-see panels a host of other very interesting looking ones. There will be time conflicts and sadly, I am still without a time turner.
This might be the one screening I am most excited for this weekend. I loved Batman The Animated Series and the Justice League cartoon and was very happy to find out Bruce Timm will be involved in this new series, starring my favorite DC hero. I will be the guy with the huge smile on his face during this screening.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – The Nerdolouges
I like sketch comedy. And I like nerdy things. Depending on how far away The Hasbro Stage is from the Green Lantern The Animated Series screening, maybe I’ll be able to catch the last quarter to half of this.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – Attack the Block
Head to the panel, check out this fun sci-fi movie when it hits DVD and then check out my review here.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – DC ALL ACCESS – Justice League
Geoff Johns and Jim Lee (Justice League), Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang (Wonder Woman), Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato (The Flash), Ivan Reis and Joe Prado (Aquaman) – If you’re reading the new 52 at DC Comics, chances are the creative team of one of your favorite titles will be at this panel. And if your favorite titles are some of the lackluster ones like The Savage Hawkman, Green Arrow and Justice League International, don’t worry, you’re not left out; JT Krul, Phillip Tan, Tony Daniel and Dan Jurgens will be there as well.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – Hasbro: Transformers
From the description: “Join members of Hasbro’s Transformers team as they discuss…theme park rides and more!” TRANSFORMERS THEME PARK RIDES?!? What?! Yes!!
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM – MARVEL INTERACTIVE: Marvel Video Games
Remember when a licensed video game almost certainly meant that the game would be terrible? Superman 64, anyone? For the past few years, the video games based on Marvel and DC characters have been some of the best games on the market. This panel will showcase Marvel’s upcoming releases, including the awesome looking Spider-Man: Edge of Time and Marvel’s answer to DC’s MMO.
2:15 PM – 3:15 PM – Kirby Krackle Live
Are you a Harry and the Potters fan looking to broaden your horizons from Wizard Rock to general Nerd Rock? Catch Kirby Krackle live (and for free!) on The Hasbro Stage.
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM – DC ALL ACCESS: The Edge/The Dark
Some of the best DC new 52 launch books are happening in the The Edge and The Dark lines. Paul Cornell (Stormwatch), Jeff Lemire (Animal Man) and Scott Snyder (Swamp Thing) will all be on hand. Animal Man has been absolutely amazing, so seeing some preview pages of upcoming issues of that title will definitely be a treat.
3:45 PM – 4:45 PM – John Landis & Monsters in the Movies
John Landis talking movies! What else could you possibly want?!
3:45 PM – 4:45 PM – MARVEL Television Presents
If it wasn’t for a panel featuring John Landis talking movies, I would probably be here. Hopefully this Marvel Television panel frees up some seats at the John Landis one.
4:45 PM – 5:45 PM – Big Quiz Thing
It’s like a pub quiz, but not in a pub, so no beer, but there will be prizes!
Writers: Learn how to pitch. If you’re trying to break in, this might be a panel with better advice for writers than the Marvel one. I plan on checking this out if I am not at…
5:15 PM – 6:15 PM – AMC’s The Walking Dead
Robert Kirkman will be there. They’ll be showing a sneak peak of season 2. Yes, please.
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM – MARVEL STUDIOS: Marvel’s The Avengers
Chris Evans (Captain America), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill or Robin Scherbatsky from How I Met Your Mother…take your pick), Kevin Feige (Thor), Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and more surprise guests from The Avengers movie will be in attendance. Plus, THEY WILL BE SHOWING NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE FROM THE FILM!
After the Green Lantern: The Animated Series Panel earlier in the day, this is my next must-be-at panel!
6:45 PM – 8:15 PM – Boy Wonder
Can’t get into the Avengers panel? You can check out what I think it a screening of the full movie of Boy Wonder instead. Just as an FYI, Boy Wonder is “gritty psychological thriller,” not a documentary about a former carnie who likes to swing around town in briefs and elf slippers.
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM – MTV Presents Mike Judge’s Beavis and Butt-Head
Beavis and Butt-Head are back! There’s now a reason to turn on MTV besides The Hard Times of RJ Berger!
7:45 PM – 8:45 PM – ZOMBIE SUMMIT – How to Survive the Inevitable Zombie Apocalypse
Both Greg Nicotero and Robert Kirkman will be on this panel of zombie experts, talking about what you can do to survive the zombie apocalypse. Since the Nerdist guys will be in town on NYCC weekend, hopefully Jonah Ray will get in on this panel too.
8:45 PM – 9:45 PM – Hobbit Movie Headlines from
One of the members of the Tuesday Night Movies NYCC crew is a huge Lord of the Rings fan, so I expect we will be at this. I also expect that he will be dressed as a hobbit for it.
That’s it for Saturday. If you haven’t yet, check out the Thursday and Friday panels and the NYCC con exclusives!
Written by David Henehan
2011 New York Comic Con: Thursday & Friday Panels
Unless I get my hands on a time turner, there’s no way I’m making it to every panel on this list. But here are the ones that I think look cool.
My pass doesn’t get me through the door on Thursday until 4 PM and all but one panel happen before that time. If you’re interested in working in 3D, the one panel after 4 PM is the panel for you, otherwise…
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM – Zombies, Fallen Angels and Other Paranormals Give New Meaning To
I don’t actually have much interest in this panel, but damn it, they’ve piqued my curiosity by not telling us what zombies, fallen angels and other paranormals give new meaning to! I suddenly need to know! It could be anything! For all I know the answer is Sour Patch Kids! Sure, it’s probably not Sour Patch Kids, but I’ll never know unless I go. I hope they give out free Sour Patch Kids.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Locke & Key Pilot Screening
Competing with finding out what zombies give new meaning to is the Locke & Key Pilot screening. Word on the street is that it is good. If I make it to this, expect a review on the blog.
12:45 PM – 1:15 PM – Wand Dueling
I’m heading to a Harry Potter themed costume party later this month. This panel might give me the skills I need to take home the party’s Tri-Wizard Cup. This should be interesting. When Star Wars fans have lightsaber battles, they’re basically sword fighting. But is this just going to involve people 20 feet apart pointing at each other?
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM – DC ALL ACCESS: Batman
Last month, DC Comics relaunched all of their series with new #1s. Bruce Wayne is still Batman, but he’s not the same Bruce Wayne that was in the comics two months ago. Confusing? They actually did this to make comics less confusing. If you like Batman, this is the panel for you. Both the writer and artist of Batman, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo will be on this panel, as well as other creators from the Bat-comics franchise. I recommend leaving before Q&A, unless you want to hear questions along the lines of “Does this story still count?” and fanboy rage when the answer is “No.” I take that back, stay for the Q&A.
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM is Breaking Into Comics the Marvel Way
They’re going to tell you to get published somewhere else first. So instead, head to…
Bruce Timm and Kevin Conroy will be on hand, and they’ll be going over the upcoming DCU animated movies. The DC animated movies have been getting better each year. This should be good.
3:45 – 4:45 – Joe Simon: My Life in Comics
Joe Simon co-created Captain America and he knew Stan Lee as a teenager. He’s turning 98 a couple of days before NYCC. What he has to say, no matter what it is, should be interesting to listen to.
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Star Wars Crafts With Bonnie Burton
Finally, my love for Star Wars can meet my love for Martha Stewart!
5:00 PM – 6 PM – DC ALL ACCESS: Green Lantern
All three writers of the Green Lantern books, Geoff Johns, Peter Tomasi and Tony Bedard are going to be there. This is a can’t miss for any GL fan.
5:15 PM – 6:00 PM – Robot Chicken
If I’m not at the Green Lantern panel, I will be here. Seth Green, Zeb Wells, Doug Goldstein and Matthew Senreich will be previewing season 5.5. What does this and the Green Lantern panel have to conflict???
6:15 PM – 7:15 PM – MARVEL: Amazing Spider-Man
If you’re into Spider-Man or getting your grubby hands on a con exclusive Daredevil pin, see you here (I am into both those things)!
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM – Jay and Silent Bob Get Old
I watched Clerks, Mallrats and Chasing Amy repeatedly and religiously in college. Tickets for Jay and Silent Bob Get Old are still available as of this writing here. I may have to buy one.
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM – IGN Podcast Beyond Gives You Free Sh1t (Live Podcast)
If you don’t want to shell out the money for the Jay and Silent Bob podcast, you can get free sh1t at this one. It looks fun.
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM – Mark Hamill Spotlight
PRO: It won’t cost you $100 to hear Mark Hamill speak.
CON: He may be talking more about his new comic at Dark Horse than Star Wars or Batman: The Animated Series.
7:45 PM – 9:45 PM – NYCC Charity Auction
Help them help the kids! Plus, the line-up of artists who have already donated looks amazing. Win-win!
They’re not showing the entire movie, just a preview, but a pizza delivering superhero sounds like the making of a cult classic! Plus, Frankie Muniz and Diamond Dallas Page will be on hand. DDP!
That’s it for Thursday and Friday. Did I miss any interesting looking panels? Let me know!
2011 New York Comic Con Exclusives
New York Comic Con is right around the corner, happening October 13-16, and Tuesday Night Movies will be there for all four days of the con!
There are going to be a lot of exclusive merchandise available at NYCC this year. Here is some of the cooler looking swag.
Dexter Action Figure (Entertainment Earth)
I’ve never watched Dexter. I know, I know, how could I not, everyone asks me. There’s just so many hours in the day. I’ll get around to it. But if you’re a fan of the show, and that seems to be anyone who has ever seen it, this could be the toy for you.
How likely will I buy it? No chance. I mean, I should see the show first, right?
Deadpool Corps Minimates (Diamond Select)
What’s better than one Deadpool Minimate? Five of them! Especially when one is just a zombified head with a propeller attached to it!
How likely will I buy it? Maybe as a gift for my brother, otherwise not likely.
Doctor Who TARDIS Bobblehead (Entertainment Earth)
It makes TARDIS sounds! I might have to buy this. I might not be only Tuesday Night Movies contributor buying this at NYCC.
How likely will I buy it? IT MAKES TARDIS SOUNDS!
Doctor Who TARDIS Lunchbox (Entertainment Earth)
It does not make TARDIS sounds. But it will hold your lunch.
How likely will I buy it? If it made TARDIS sounds, I would be saying WANT right here. How cool would it be to hear the TARDIS sound every time you took out your lunch?
Dr. Who The Fourth Doctor Action Figure
Tom Baker in 8 inches of glory. Check out that hair. Check out that scarf. When I was teen working at my local library, Tom Baker was my only exposure to Doctor Who, when I had to shelve books with his likeness on it in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section. I never saw a Tom Baker Doctor Who episode, so I won’t be buying this. But check out that scarf.
How likely will I buy it? I have no reason to own this. My Doctor is Chris Eccleston. I would buy a life size version of The Fourth Doctor’s scarf, though.
Twilight Zone Bob Wilson/Don Carter (William Shatner) Action Figure (Entertainment Earth)
I love The Twilight Zone. Two of favorite episodes starred William Shatner: Nightmare at 20,000 Feet and Nick of Time. With this action figure, you can recreate both episodes…if you know, make a scale model airplane or diner.
How likely will I buy it? I don’t own any Shatner dolls. No need to start now. But if they made a talking toy of the fortune telling machine in Nick of Time, I would…be too afraid to buy it, or even look at it.
Venture Bros. Rusty and Jonas Venture Sr. Action Figure Set (Entertainment Earth)
Entertainment Earth is bringing a lot of cool stuff to NYCC. If you like Venture Bros, this is doubly awesome: two action figures and a lunch box (Is that triply awesome?).
How likely will I buy it? I’m still working my way through season one of Venture Bros, so it’s safe to say…no chance.
Batman Arkham City The Joker (Sickened Variant) Action Figure (Graphitti Designs)
If you want this action figure, you’ll need to wait in line for a wrist band, then wait on another line to buy the figure. If you like waiting on lines as much as you like The Joker, how can you pass this up?
How likely will I buy it? I have to wait on how many lines to own this? Yeah, no thanks.
Batman Mez-Itz Mega Scale Action Figure (Mezco Toys)
If you’re buying that Joker action figure, you’re probably buying this as well. You also probably tell your friends how you’re the Batman of your group, with your keen intellect, tactical mind and sullen demeanor.
How likely will I buy this? Not for me. I find these Mez-Itz to be weird looking. Doesn’t Batman look like he has a paunch?
Thundercats Lion-O Mega Scale Action Figure (Mezco Toys)
This monster is 20 inches tall, has light up eyes, a claw shield and both short and long versions of the Sword of Omens.
How likely will I buy it? No chance at all. I just put it up here because one of my good friends is a huge Thundercats fan and I want to hear about how he short circuited his computer’s keyboard while drooling as he looked at this description.
Battlestar Galactica Toaster Necklace (Her Universe)
This one doesn’t excite me as much as it confuses me. Are the Cylons the evil toaster manufacturer of the BSG universe? Seriously, I don’t get this.
How likely will I buy it? Buy it? I don’t even understand it!
R2-Q5 and R2-A3 Star Wars Christmas Ornaments (Hallmark)
On second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…two R2 units.
How likely will I buy it? I’m dreaming of a Star Wars Christmas…
Star Trek USS Defiant Christmas Ornament (Hallmark)
Maybe you’re more Star Trek than Star Wars. Don’t worry, Hallmark will take your money too.
How likely will I buy it? In my world, Star Wars > Star Trek.
Compound Hulk Action Figure (Hasbro)
Call me old fashioned, but Compound Hulk has nothing on Composite Superman. But it does unintentionally look like a Christmas decoration with all that red and green, so I’m listing it right after the ornaments.
How likely will I buy it? Me no like Hulk color blindness test toy.
R2-Q5 PS3 (Major League Mods)
Whoa, okay forget that R2 Christmas ornament. This might be the coolest thing debuting at NYCC. It’s an R2 droid that IS ALSO AN PS3 AND PROJECTOR. Hot damn. Major League Mods is also having a raffle to win an R2-D2 X-Box 360. If you need to find me at the con, I’ll be the guy wiping drool off his chin at this booth.
How likely will I buy it? I’m guessing this will be serious $$$, so I won’t be buying it. But I will be admiring it, no doubt and looking jealously at anyone who buys it in my presence.
Luke Skywalker Metallix Print (Official Pix)
This thing’s $30 and if you’re going to get Mark Hamill to sign something, it does look pretty cool. However, Mark Hamill’s autograph is $100 (!). Too rich for my blood.
How likely will I buy it? I once paid for Carrie Fischer’s autograph. It was much less than $100, she wrote “Love to you” on my DVD and Mark Hamill just doesn’t look as good in a gold bikini, or so I’m told.
8 Bit Mogo Button (Victor Dandridge)
This 8 Bit Mogo button is adorable. You have to win an 8 Bit Challenge contest to take it home. What’s that involve? I have no idea. But I plan on finding out.
How likely will I buy it? It sounds like you can’t buy this, but if there’s not a huge crowd at this booth, I’ll definitely try to win one.