Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 60 – Spider-Gwen! Multiversity: Mastermen reviewed! Jason Momoa as Aquaman! Hellboy…beer?!?

Welcome to episode 60 of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast! This week, we’re previewing new comics coming out Wednesday, 2/25/15, including Spider-Gwen #1 by Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez!
spidergwen baby coveraquaman 39 cover spiderman2099 9 cover
Plus, Dave and Billy continue their in-depth reviews of Grant Morrison’s Multiversity with the new The Multiversity: Mastermen. They also review Batman Volume 5 – Zero Year: Savage City by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, Ei8ht #1 by Rafael Albuquerque, Joe Hill’s The Cape, and High Crimes #1-5 by Christopher Sebela and Ibrahim Moustafa.
The guys share their thoughts on the recently released image of Jason Momoa as Aquaman.
jason mamoa aquaman
And Hellboy…beer?!?
hellboy beer


Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 44

Billy and Dave are back with another episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast. They preview new comics coming out the week of Wednesday, November 5, 2014, including the official start of Spider-Verse. The guys also review recent comics, including James Robinson and Leonard Kirk’s Fantastic Four #12, Scott Snyder and Greg Cappullo’s Batman #35 and Geoff Johns and company’s Justice League #35. Plus, they talk about Marvel’s latest movie announcements. It’s another fun episode. Listen to it now!

rocket groot spiderman 9 cover










Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 39

In this episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast, Billy and Dave preview new comics coming out on Wednesday, 10/1/14. The guys give their opinions of the Gotham pilot. Billy reviews Batman: Zero Year – Secret City by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Plus, the countdown to NYCC is on!

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