Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 64 – New Comic Book Previews for 3/25/15, The Wake Reviewed, Our Take On The Batgirl Cover Controversy!

It’s a new episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast and we’re here with our picks for what new comic books you should not miss at the comic book store this Wednesday!

aquaman free willy cover multiversity doug mahnke pastaways 1 cover


We’ve also got some new reviews for you, including The Wake by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy.

the wake cover

We also talk about the new Avengers: Age of Ultron TV spot and give our takes on the Batgirl cover controversy that has been ripping through comic book sites this week. Do you agree with us? Disagree with us? Let us know in the comments below.
batgirl joker variant

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 60 – Spider-Gwen! Multiversity: Mastermen reviewed! Jason Momoa as Aquaman! Hellboy…beer?!?

Welcome to episode 60 of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast! This week, we’re previewing new comics coming out Wednesday, 2/25/15, including Spider-Gwen #1 by Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez!
spidergwen baby coveraquaman 39 cover spiderman2099 9 cover
Plus, Dave and Billy continue their in-depth reviews of Grant Morrison’s Multiversity with the new The Multiversity: Mastermen. They also review Batman Volume 5 – Zero Year: Savage City by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, Ei8ht #1 by Rafael Albuquerque, Joe Hill’s The Cape, and High Crimes #1-5 by Christopher Sebela and Ibrahim Moustafa.
The guys share their thoughts on the recently released image of Jason Momoa as Aquaman.
jason mamoa aquaman
And Hellboy…beer?!?
hellboy beer