The 1st Annual Tuesdees Awards!

Welcome to The 1st Annual Tuesdees Awards, celebrating distinction in cinema as seen through the lens of Tuesday Night Movies. Your hosts tonight are Hathaboobs and The One Armed Franco!

Hathaboobs? The One Armed Franco? You here? No? I guess I’ll just have to start the show without them.

Movie of the Year Based on How Many Times I Watched It

Winner: The Fighter
I was all too ready to see The Fighter for a second time, so I did. And it was still great.

Honorable Mention: Every other movie (103-way tie)
The Fighter was the only movie I doubled up on. I thought Inception would have taken home this prize, but I haven’t had a chance to watch that for a second (and third and fourth) time yet.

Most Overrated Movie of the Year

Winner: Black Swan
Was there a movie that was more hyped than Black Swan? Coworkers, friends and family constantly asked “Did you see Black Swan yet?” with the expectant gaze that I would gush how it changed my view of cinema. It didn’t even crack my top 20 of 2010. Was it good? Yes. Was it that good? Eh…

Honorable Mention: Greenberg
If you told me you liked Greenberg, I would consider you as having overrated it.

The We Need Something to Get the Guys in Here Award

Winner: Love and Other Drugs
Two more seconds of Anne Hathaway’s boobs being shown in Love and Other Drugs would have meant it would only be available at the DVD stores along 8th Avenue.

Honorable Mention: Black Swan
Your favorite part of Black Swan was the Natalie Portman/Mila Kunis make-out scene and your biggest complaint about the movie is that they couldn’t squeeze Winona Ryder into that scene.

Best Movie Theater

Winner:  Brooklyn Heights Cinema
Good movies, reasonable prices and the best movie theater popcorn in NYC. You should see more movies here in 2011.

Worst Movie Theater:

Winner: The Park Slope Pavilion
Broken seats, ripped seats, missing seats, overpriced tickets and concessions, and screens that are about the size of my home TV caused The Park Slope Pavilion to run away with this award in 2010. It’s sad; this used to be a good theater.

Most Improved Theater:

Winner: The Regal Court St
I used to avoid this theater like the plague, but if you follow my rules for seeing films here, you should be alright.

Best Commenter Name

Winner: Jesse Eisenberg rules, especially in Roger Dodger, Unstoppable
The poor man’s Michael Cera is now the rich man’s Michael Cera.

Honorable Mention: Joe Citation, First Blood
What happens when you forget to credit a friend from a Facebook post.

Most Vitriolic Fans

Winner: Carl, The Room
To this day, I feel like I let Carl down for not liking The Room.

Honorable Mention: N. Smith, The Secret of Kells
Wow, I really pissed this guy off. And his review of my review was as confusing as The Secret of Kells was.

The Would You Like a Job Here? Award

Winner: Bryan
Some of Bryan’s comments were as long as my posts, and I love him for it.

Honorable Mention: Bryan
Seriously, Bryan left a lot of comments in 2010.

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