Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 55 – A New Power Girl! Star Wars #1 Reviewed! Super Robin! The Subtle Writing of Mark Millar

In this episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast, Billy forgets that there are comics besides Star Wars comics, Dave reads a whole bunch of comics, and the guys discuss the odd order of introductions of Earth 2 characters in the New 52, the main danger to a teenager’s comic book collection and the subtle writing of Mark Millar. Plus, they give their recommendations on what comics to buy this week on a $20 budget. And the guys possibly get on Sylvester Stallone’s bad side. It’s a wild episode!


Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 54 – SHIELD #2, Star Wars Returns to Marvel!, God is Dead reviewed!

Star Wars week is here! In the new episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast, Billy and Dave preview new comics coming out on Wednesday, 1/14/15, and give you their picks on what comic books you need to buy if you only had $20 to spend at your local comic book shop. You might be surprised by what and what doesn’t make the cut for us this week.

shield 2 cover silver surfer 8 cover

Plus, reviews of what we read this week, including Jonathan Hickman’s God is Dead and Alan Moore’s Saga of the Swamp Thing vol 4.
Plus, listen to Billy make more mistakes when discussing the news than SNL’s Drunk Uncle!
Give it a listen! Happy Tuesday Night!

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast #53 – Our picks for new comic book day! What we learned from a year of podcasting! #shrinkantmansprice

Welcome to episode 53 of the Tuesday Comics Podcast, the first episode of our second year! Happy one year anniversary to us! To celebrate, we’re going to preview new comics coming out tomorrow, January 7, 2015, and give you our top picks, which may include both Lady Killer #1 and Ant-Man #1.

lady killer 1antman #1

We also look back on our first year of podcasting about comics and talk about the lessons we’ve learned this past year as far as collecting comics in the 21st century is concerned. Plus, the guys review what they read this past week, including Mark Waid and Carlos Pacheco’s SHIELD #1.

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 52! Happy New Year! Miracleman! SHIELD!

Happy New Year everyone! It’s a shorter episode than normal this week, as there are very few comics coming out this week to preview. But some of the books coming out this week look great, like SHIELD #1 by Mark Waid and Carlos Pacheco and All-New Miracleman Annual #1 featuring a Grant Morrison Miracleman story decades in the making.

deadpool shield cover miracleman annual jeff smith

Plus, where’s Carlos Pacheco been? And do people feel embarrassed when they buy a Zenescope comic?

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 51 – Multiversity: Thunderworld Reviewed! New Comic Previews!


Merry Christmas everyone! The Tuesday Night Comics podcast is here to spread joy and holiday cheer…and preview new comics coming out on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, 12/24/14. Dave and Billy also play everyone’s favorite game, “How Do I Spend My 20 Bucks This Week?” with a special variation (You’ll have to listen to find out). Plus, the guys review Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart’s The Multiversity: Thunderworld #1 and go in-depth on the finale of Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang’s run on Wonder Woman. It’s a comics Christmas miracle! 

thunderworld cover

In the podcast, Billy talks about how the seven sins imprisoned by the wizard Shazam have changed over the years. Here’s the original line-up followed by the ones that appeared in JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice.

shazam orig 7 deadly sinsjlajsa7deadlysins



Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 50th Episode Spectacular! Multiversity Preview! DC Cancellations! Wonder Woman and Swamp Thing Reviews!

50 episodes! Yay! This episode should be covered in embossed gold foil and have holograms of Billy and Dave. But it does not. What it does have is a preview of The Multiversity: Thunderworld #1! Billy and Dave give you their advice on what comics to pick up this week, and what they would each buy if they only had $20 to spend on new comics.

thunderworld cover

And did you hear? DC is cancelling a bunch of titles, Archie is getting a new creative team and a major makeover. All that and reviews of recent and not so recent comics! Enjoy the latest episode!

fiona staples archie

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 49 – Bitch Planet! The Return of Spider-Gwen! Why you need to read Azzarello’s Wonder Woman!

Find out which new comics coming out Wednesday, 12/10/14 we’re excited about *cough* Bitch Planet *cough*! The return of Spider-Gwen! The latest Convergence news! New comic book reviews! Why you need to read Azzarello, Chiang and Akins’s Wonder Woman! It’s the Tuesday Night Comics podcast! Welcome to Tuesday Night!

bitch planet cover


Subscribe to the Tuesday Night Comics podcast for free on iTunes and have each episode delivered to you every week!

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 47 – The Multiversity: Pax America In-Depth Discussion!

Yes, despite Thanksgiving, new comics are coming out Wednesday, November 26, 2014. And we have your previews for you. Listen to the podcast and hear our recommendation on what new issues deserve your attention. Plus a new feature on the podcast: the $20 budget challenge! Find out what we would buy if we were limited to only $20 this week.

scarlet spiders cover 1secret avengers cover

Are you reading The Multiversity? If so, you are going to want to listen to this episode! We go deep into The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. We go a little Pax Americrazy!
multiversity pax americana
And we review other comics from last week and talk about the latest comic book news. Happy New Comic Book Day Eve, everyone!

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast – Episode 46 – Dave returns! Multiversity Preview! Wytches 2 Review!

Dave is back! Fresh from his honeymoon, Dave has returned to the Tuesday Night Comics podcast to talk new comics with Billy. The guys preview new comic books coming out the week of Wednesday, November 19, 2014, including Multiversity: Pax Americana, Batman 66: The Lost Episode and Batman and Robin #36 . They also go into DC’s upcoming Convergence, delve into budgeting your comics buying, and review some recent books, including Scott Snyder and Jock’s excellent Wytches from Image Comics.
batman and robin 36 multiversity pax americana

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 45 – Now With 100% More Alli!

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Dave is on vacation this week for his honeymoon (Congrats Dave and Sarah!), and regular Nick is on vacation in the Pacific Northwest, but fear not! Billy has enlisted Dave’s groomsman and huge comics fan Alli to cohost this week’s episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast!
Billy and Alli talk about DC’s upcoming Convergence crossover (while also allotting some time to cover Bloodlines #BloodlinesNeverForget).
pregnant lois lane convergencebloodlines7
The guys also preview comics coming out Wednesday, 11/12/14, including Scott Snyder’s Batman #36 and Wytches #2 and Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr’s Batgirl #36. And if you love cosplay, this is the episode for you. Alli also talks cosplay, going over some projects his girlfriend Kim and he have made recently. To see some of the designs that Billy and Alli talk about, be sure to follow Kim Bishop Cosplay on Facebook. 
kim bishop cosplay thor
Alli is great, and I can’t wait to have him back on the podcast! I think you’ll love this episode! Give it a listen!  #SmellsLikeBloodlines