Best Comics of 2014

2014 was a great year for comic books. The hosts of the Tuesday Night Comic podcast were asked to list their top 5 favorite comics of 2014. Whittling the lists down to just 5 comics each was tough, but here they are!


5. Andre the Giant 

andre the giant

As soon as I started reading Box Brown’s biography of Andre the Giant, I could not put it down. Besides being incredibly well researched, it’s also a very good read. Box Brown really shows off his skills as a cartoonist on a subject that comes across as very dear to him. This might be the best biographical comic book I’ve ever read.

4. Copra


At the tail end of 2014, fans of Michel Fiffe’s Copra worried that his deal with Marvel might mean Copra would be put on hiatus. Thankfully, Fiffe’s love letter to the Suicide Squad continued in 2014 with 6 new issues. The series shifted for Round 3, with each issue focusing on a specific character. As of this writing, Michel has exactly 8 subscriptions available for the next 6 issues of Copra available at his Etsy shop. Trust me, you will not regret treating yourself to this.

3. Silver Surfer 

silver surfer

Dan Slott is writing the best Doctor Who comic on the stands, and it is Silver Surfer.

2. Ms. Marvel

ms marvel


Month in, and month out, this comic book is so good! I can’t rave about it enough, and I know I’m not the only one. It was great seeing fans coplaying as Kamala Khan at NYCC this past year, and any panel attended by Ms. Marvel writer G. Willow Wilson was a packed one.

1. The Multiversity

multiversity pax americana

There’s a reason Dave and I go into lengthy conversations on the Tuesday Night Comics podcast about every new issue of The Multiversity. It’s because it’s that damn good!


5. The New 52: Futures End

futures end

This has really been a fun read.

thunderworld cover
Can Grant Morrison write these series of books forever?
Great series and a great end to the series.
I just loved this series. I purchased this series during a sale and I’m all caught up. The world the Scott Snyder builds here is great. I can’t wait to jump on board the new series.
locke and key
Read this series this year and I couldn’t stop reading it. The speed at which I ripped through these books reminded me of binging on the Harry Potter novels.


batgirl 35 gif
…by Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr, and Maris Wicks: I was a little hesitant to add this one, since we’ve only gotten three issues so far, but what can I say: good comics are good comics! And Batgirl is a great comic. Other than Snyder and Capullo’s run on Batman (another contender for best-of-the-year, by the way,) I’ve pretty much stayed away from DC since the New 52 started, but I love everything about this take on the character. The team got a lot of press with the redesign of Barbara’s costume, but, just like Silver Surfer, the emphasis is on fun, and the art (Stewart does the layouts, Tarr does the drawing) is rad. I’ll be picking this up as long as they’re making it.

4. Silver Surfer

silver surfer allred

…by Dan Slott, Mike Allred, and Laura Allred: Look, I’m as surprised about this as you are; I don’t care about the Silver Surfer, I’ve never cared about the Silver Surfer – not even in the issues of Fantastic Four where he was first introduced. But this book is fantastic! It’s charming and fun, which shouldn’t surprise me, since it’s Mike Allred, but still. Much like Mark Waid’s Daredevil run, Slott and the Allreds have taken a character I had zero affinity for and put together one of my favorite books. Who’s going to do that next year?!?

3. Saga


…by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples: this was on my list in 2012, but like I said before: “good comics are good comics!” This year saw both the conclusion of the 3rd arc of the book and the whole of the 4th, which jumps ahead in time a few years. After pulling us in with the Romeo & Juliet-style love-affair between Marco and Alana in the first 18 issues, Vaughan and Staples then proceed to yank the rug right out from under us over the next 6. I’m not going to spoil things for you, but I will say this: we never did have to see Romeo & Juliet actually have to learn to live with one another.

 2. Sex Criminals


…by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky: Another repeat, this time from last year’s list, the second volume of Sex Criminals hits the same note as Saga: in a relationship, what happens when the honeymoon ends? This arc is definitely darker than the first, although Zdarsky tosses in enough background jokes to keep everything fun. The end of the second volume hasn’t come out yet, but I have faith that Fraction and Zdarsky will not let us down. Also – if you’re trade-waiting this series, don’t! The letters page is the best!

1. Seconds

seconds cover

…by Bryan Lee O’Malley and Nathan Fairbairn: Scott Pilgrim is one of my all-time favorite comics, so I was anxiously awaiting O’Malley’s follow-up ever since it was announced a couple of years ago. When the book finally arrived in July, I spent a morning reading the entire thing…then read it again that afternoon. Even though it probably gets the most attention for its video game references, Scott Pilgrim was essentially about figuring yourself out in your early/mid 20’s. Seconds follows the same path, only this time it’s about realizing you’re in your 30’s, and looking back on the decisions you’ve made and how they’ve brought you to where you are. The book replaces Pilgrim’s video game metaphors with a more supernatural flavor, which fits the subject matter perfectly. On the art side, O’Malley has grown as a comic artist by leaps and bounds – the book is stunning. I already knew going in that the colors would be great (Fairbairn has been doing an amazing job with the Scott Pilgrim color editions) but I was blown away when I read the final product – throw in lettering by my second favorite letterer, Dustin Harbin, and Seconds was not just the best comic I read this year, it might be the best book I read this year, period.



5. Annihilator


Grant Morrison’s Legendary comics debut with Annihilator this year really blew me away. With fantastic art from Frazer Irving and the story being written by one of industry’s best writers, this book had everything going for it and it did not disappoint. Ray Spass is a writer who has to team up with his own fictional character to save his sanity and the world in the process, Annihilator was a real welcome new book from this past year.

4. Black Science


Take one part Sliders, one part Lost in Space, and add some of the best action in comics and you have Rick Remender’s Black Science. Parallel worlds and dangerous alien races with a cast of characters who are as expendable as the cast of Game of thrones. The action is intense and this book grabbed me from issue one and never let go.

3. East of West

east of west

Jonathan Hickman is writing one of the most gripping post apocalyptic westerns ever and I just can’t stop reading it. I love this book and got the first 2 trades as gifts and have added it to my monthly pick ups. East of West is a harsh and uncompromising vision of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse and the Horsemen Death’s quest for revenge and redemption.

2. Saga 

saga hc

Saga is still good and still worth reading every single issue. Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples spent 2014 continuing the exploits of Alana and Marko and just keep offering the best story and dialogue in the business, hands down.

1. Rat Queens

rat queens

Kurtis J. Wiebe was at a signing this year and I missed him by 10 minutes. If i had met him I would have said “Thank you so much for writing one of the most important comic books in my social adult life.” Rat Queens was the book I gave to my girlfriend and she gave to her friends, and I gave to my friends, who in turn gave to their friends. Rat Queens is not a book made just for girls or women but it is a book about girls and women that is so important and necessary in our day and age. It takes archetype Dungeons and Dragons style characters and breaks down all of the tropes, stereotypes, and replaces them with characters who are incredibly deep and also kick ass and can be incredibly funny. Rat Queens is a book that is loud and crude and at the same time violent and depressing. It’s about mythical creatures who have real world problems and relationship woes.


Okay, these are our lists. Now it’s your turn. What are your top 5 comics of 2014?

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 51 – Multiversity: Thunderworld Reviewed! New Comic Previews!


Merry Christmas everyone! The Tuesday Night Comics podcast is here to spread joy and holiday cheer…and preview new comics coming out on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, 12/24/14. Dave and Billy also play everyone’s favorite game, “How Do I Spend My 20 Bucks This Week?” with a special variation (You’ll have to listen to find out). Plus, the guys review Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart’s The Multiversity: Thunderworld #1 and go in-depth on the finale of Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang’s run on Wonder Woman. It’s a comics Christmas miracle! 

thunderworld cover

In the podcast, Billy talks about how the seven sins imprisoned by the wizard Shazam have changed over the years. Here’s the original line-up followed by the ones that appeared in JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice.

shazam orig 7 deadly sinsjlajsa7deadlysins



Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 50th Episode Spectacular! Multiversity Preview! DC Cancellations! Wonder Woman and Swamp Thing Reviews!

50 episodes! Yay! This episode should be covered in embossed gold foil and have holograms of Billy and Dave. But it does not. What it does have is a preview of The Multiversity: Thunderworld #1! Billy and Dave give you their advice on what comics to pick up this week, and what they would each buy if they only had $20 to spend on new comics.

thunderworld cover

And did you hear? DC is cancelling a bunch of titles, Archie is getting a new creative team and a major makeover. All that and reviews of recent and not so recent comics! Enjoy the latest episode!

fiona staples archie

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 49 – Bitch Planet! The Return of Spider-Gwen! Why you need to read Azzarello’s Wonder Woman!

Find out which new comics coming out Wednesday, 12/10/14 we’re excited about *cough* Bitch Planet *cough*! The return of Spider-Gwen! The latest Convergence news! New comic book reviews! Why you need to read Azzarello, Chiang and Akins’s Wonder Woman! It’s the Tuesday Night Comics podcast! Welcome to Tuesday Night!

bitch planet cover


Subscribe to the Tuesday Night Comics podcast for free on iTunes and have each episode delivered to you every week!

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 48 – Blue Beetle and Booster Gold Return!

Billy and Dave are back from Thanksgiving and ready to talk comics! The guys preview new comics coming out on Wednesday, December 3, 2014, including the return of the Blue and Gold team, Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, in Justice League 3000 #12! Billy and Dave also once again play the $20 budget game, giving you their picks on what to pick up if you only had $20 to spend on new comics this week. Plus, comic reviews and Star Wars Episode VII thoughts!


Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 47 – The Multiversity: Pax America In-Depth Discussion!

Yes, despite Thanksgiving, new comics are coming out Wednesday, November 26, 2014. And we have your previews for you. Listen to the podcast and hear our recommendation on what new issues deserve your attention. Plus a new feature on the podcast: the $20 budget challenge! Find out what we would buy if we were limited to only $20 this week.

scarlet spiders cover 1secret avengers cover

Are you reading The Multiversity? If so, you are going to want to listen to this episode! We go deep into The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. We go a little Pax Americrazy!
multiversity pax americana
And we review other comics from last week and talk about the latest comic book news. Happy New Comic Book Day Eve, everyone!

Thor: The Dark World – Review

thor the dark world poster

It was a bright, sunny Saturday morning when we headed to the movie theater. The boys were seeing Thor 2 and the girls were seeing About Time. I hated having to decide between the two, as Rachel McAdams looks adorable in the About Time poster, but there was no denying the siren song of seeing Thor: The Dark World before it crossed oven with Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD (next week!).



I thoroughly enjoyed Thor: The Dark World. Like the previous Thor movie, the takes-themselves-so-seriously Asgard scenes were balanced out with slapstick comedy during the Earth-based scenes. Unlike the first Thor movie though, I never felt like we needed to get back to Earth right now whenever Asgard was on-scene.  Asgard is fleshed out more in this sequel, and while the individual members of the Asgard supporting cast are not on the screen very long, they are on just enough to make me want to see more of them in Thor 3.

There has been rumors circulating recently that Jaimie Alexander, who plays Sif, will be playing Wonder Woman in the upcoming Superman/Batman movie. After seeing her in Thor: The Dark World, this seems like the most perfect of perfect casting. Because her Sif armor isn’t that far removed from Wonder Woman’s current costume, it almost seemed like Wonder Woman was guest-starring in Thor: The Dark World.


Sif or Wonder Woman?

Sif or Wonder Woman?

Tom Hiddleston as Loki steals every scene he is in. It’s amazing what Hiddleston and the Marvel movies have done for the character of Loki. Before the first Thor movie, Loki was one of Marvel’s lamest villains. With the exception of when Walter Simonson was writing him, I can think of few comic book examples of Loki pre-Thor movie in which Loki didn’t come off as lame. But Hiddleston has helped to reinvent the character. But now, thanks to writer Kieren Gillen, Loki is one of my favorite comic book characters. I wonder if Marvel would have given Gillen his shot at reviventing Loki in the comics if Hiddleston didn’t create so many fans of the character in the movies.

hiddleston thor 2

We need to start the Tom Hiddleston for 13th Doctor campaign right now!

Often fantasy and science fiction are squarely separated from each other, but Thor: The Dark World does a good job of blending the two. The evil dark elves ride in starfighters that could have been in the latest Star Trek movie. Science and magic are weaved together, which I liked, because Thor exists in the same world as Tony Stark. Odin makes a point in this movie to state that Asgardians are not actual Gods. And the story plays that out. They’re more like mythological extra-dimensional aliens.

If you saw Thor: The Dark World already, hopefully you stayed until after the credits. Does anyone leave the theater any more before the credits are completely over in a Marvel movie? The scene with the Collector made me NERDGASM. No, not because of the Collector himself. Who cares about him? Because of what the Collector says, namely that THE TESSERACT AND AETHER ARE INFINITY GEMS!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Avengers 3: The Infinity Gauntlet? Yes, please! If you haven’t read the Infinity Gauntlet, I highly recommend buying it today and reading it. It’s one of my favorite comic book stories ever, it will fill you in on who that big purple guy at the end of Avengers is and why his appearance was the signal of something awesome coming.