Marvel Comics did not waste any time making many of Dark Horse’s Star Wars comics available for purchase digitally on comiXology. Many Star Wars trades are available as of this morning. Of the trades available, I highly recommend Brian Wood’s Star Wars Vol. 1: In The Shadow of Yavin, The Star Wars (which presents Lucas’s original draft for Star Wars in comic book form), and Tag and Bink Were Here (a very funny take on the Star Wars universe). This is the first time Star Wars comics have appeared on comiXology, as Dark Horse has it own digital app separate from comiXology.

I’m sure I’m not the only one surprised by this move, as I was under the impression that the new movie coming out in December and the new comic debuting from Marvel this month would negate many of these books from continuity. I’m especially surprised that Marvel released Brian Wood’s Star Wars series, as it seems very similar to the Star Wars comic Jason Aaron is writing for Marvel this month. Surprised, but happy. That Brian Wood comic is excellent. I highly recommend buying it.

You can find all the Star Wars books released on comiXology today right here.