On The Couch 2011 #17: Chaos Theory

Ryan Reynolds gets his motivational speaker on in Chaos Theory, which I caught on Netflix instant streaming.

My least favorite part of Chaos Theory is the framing sequence used to bookend the movie. The framing sequence involves Old Man Ryan Reynolds giving some father-in-lawly advice to his soon-to-be son-in-law, making the main story of Chaos Theory the most fucked up piece of fatherly storytelling this side of How I Met Your Mother. It lets you know that everything worked out in the end for the characters in the main story, but it could have easily been cut. I blame the framing sequence for my inability to really get into the movie for awhile. At the same time, I really enjoyed the note card trick during it. If they could have dropped the framing sequence, but kept the note card trick, I’d be a happy movie watcher.

If you like your comedies on the darker side, you’ll probably enjoy Chaos Theory. Most of the humor comes from bad things happening to Ryan Reynolds. I enjoyed the movie, but it didn’t leave that big an impression on me. The most memorable part may be Sarah Chalke’s attempted seduction of Ryan Reynolds in his hotel room.

This scene at long last decides the Becky 1 vs. Becky 2 debate.
Chaos Theory: good not great. YMMV based on how much you’d like to see Sarah Chalke in her underthings and/or Ryan Reynolds with a beard.

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