NYCC 2013 Retailer Tickets Go On Sale 8/12/13 (UPDATED!)

Buried at the bottom of an email New York Comic Con sent out today announcing that Batman artist Greg Capullo will be attending NYCC this year was an announcement that will have far more immediate impact for people have been unable to score their weekend pass to New York Comic Con 2013. Here is the image from the email.

The Retailer Ticket page on NYCC’s website doesn’t list any stores as of this writing. We do know that Midtown Comics will be selling them at all three of their locations. Midtown Comics may be the only comic book store in New York City itself where you’ll be able to buy tickets. Midtown has already announced that all of their NYCC ticket sales will take place in person; there won’t be any mail order available for them.

Retailers will be selling 4-Day, 3-Day and single day passes to New York Comic Con, so if you missed out on a 3 or 4-Day pass, this is your chance. Don’t miss out.

UPDATE! According to the Midtown Comics Twitter and Facebook pages, Midtown Comics will have NYCC tickets for sale starting on 8/8/13 at 12 noon.

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