Agents of SHIELD – S1E12 – “Seeds” – Recap


Last week was Coulson’s turn to find out the truth. This week was Skye’s. While Ward, Skye and FitzSimmons take a trip to SHIELD’s Science Academy, Coulson and May hopped in Lola to track down a major lead regarding Skye’s past. After a fun chase sequence through some South American streets and alleyways that culminates with Coulson levitating in Lola to come face to face with the former agent, who is trying to escape up a fire escape.

Like a good Joss Whedon reveal, the answers this former agent provided about Skye’s origin bring up more questions. This agent’s team was sent to a small Chinese village about 20 years ago to investigate an 0-8-4, which you may  remember from episode 2 as being an object of mysterious origin. The 0-8-4 in this mission turns out to be baby Skye. Everyone in the village died to protect her. She’s the lone survivor when SHIELD arrives. Things get weirder as every member of that SHIELD team is slowly picked off one at a time over the years. SHIELD shuffles Skye from foster family to foster family in order to protect her.  Once May and Coulson hear this story, May advises Coulson that they keep this information from Skye.

Coulson initially agrees with May, but ends up telling Skye the truth when they reconvene with her and the rest of Coulson’s team. Telling Skye the truth is no doubt a direct result of Coulson finding out very recently that he’s been lied to by his superiors, people whom he trusted.  I think that if Coulson heard this story before “The Magical Place,” he would not have told Skye. Pre-“Magical Place” Coulson was much more by the book than post-“Magical Place” Coulson.

Keeping with the theme of truth telling, May tells Coulson that’s she been having sex with Ward. She actually tells him twice, as Coulson didn’t even react the first time May told him. But as it turns out, he heard her the first time, and trusts her to know what she’s doing and be professional. Phil Coulson: Manager of the Year.


Cutting over to the other story, we’re introduced to the SHIELD Science Institute, aka SHIELD Hogwarts. Replace the wands with soldering irons and magical tomes with C++ programming guides and you have the SHIELD Science Institute. I’ve said before that FitzSimmons are the Ron and Hermione of SHIELD and this trip to their alma mater helped drive the point home. FitzSimmons are the youngest graduates of SHIELDwarts, but this new kid, Donnie (no, not that New Kid Donnie) might graduate even earlier. He’s wicked smart, but a bit of an introvert.


The mystery of the week is the agents trying to find out who is trying to knock off students with a freeze bomb. The special effects used for this freezing looked awesome, it should be noted. The special effects in these last two episodes have been top notch all-around.


Like a good Scooby Doo mystery, the two victims were actually the people behind it. And they would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids FitzSimmons! Donnie and buddy, motivated by greed, test drive a giant version of the freeze bomb, that basically drops a super storm on top of SHIELDwarts.

Marvel Trivia: Donald “Donnie” Gill is the name of Iron Man ice-villain, Blizzard. This episode marks this comic book character’s first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.



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