With One Month Left, I Realize Just How Far Behind I Am…

It’s December 1. Right now I should have watched 47 movies at the theater and 47 movies on the couch. How am I doing? 44 on the couch. Not bad, just a little behind there. And 36 at the theater. Uh-oh. That’s 11 less than where I should be.

What happened? How did I get so far behind at the theater? I partially blame it on this year’s batch of movies. Watching 52 movies in the theater two years ago was rough at times, but I remember there being many more enticing movies than this year.

I fell behind early this year and never caught up. The summer exasperated this. What happened to the summer movie season this year? It was awful. Despite it being insanely hot out this summer, I seldom went to the movie theater to seek air conditioned solace. And then there were the movies that I thought for sure I’d be seeing in the theater, the being-a-good-boyfriend movies like Sex and the City 2 and the latest Twilight that I managed to somehow avoid. It’s too bad. Those would have knocked two more off the list, and I had a really good idea for a post for Sex and the City 2.

But I deserve far more blame that Hollywood. Clearly I suffer from poor planning. I should have used a less stressful month like September to catch up. But now it’s crunch time, right as the holiday season has begun, full of all of which it entails: shopping for presents, parties, watching A Charlie Brown Christmas for the 30th time. These things can really cut into movie-watching time.

Now before I get too down about falling behind, I want to let it be known that I will be finishing what I started. 52 movies will be watched at the theater and another 52 will be watched on the couch by December 31.

Including today, there are 31 days left full of movie watching potential. 16 more at the theater and 8 more on the couch. 24 in total. The planned couch movies are pretty much all taken, but I could use some help with suggestions on what to catch at the theater. I went through the listings today, and including movies that haven’t been released yet this year, I’m having a hard time coming up with 16 titles to look forward to seeing. Have you seen a good movie at the theater recently that I haven’t covered on the blog already? Recommend it and there’s a good chance I’ll catch it.

Expect plenty of updates this month, 24 more to be exact.

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