Talking Posters: Warner Bros Releases the First Teaser Poster for The Dark Knight Rises, The NSFW Poster for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Bus Poster

Unless you’ve been intentionally ignoring the internet today, or are an AT&T wireless customer (zing!), you’ve no doubt seen that Warner Brothers has released the first official teaser poster for the third Nolan-Bale Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises.

I love this poster. I really like how the Bat Symbol is formed by the crumbling Gotham skyline. What does this image mean? Is Gotham going to be an even more decrepit place than it was in the last two movies? But wait, the Bat Symbol is a beautiful, blue sky. Does this mean that the Gotham of old has to be torn down, both figuratively and literally, for Batman’s goal of a brighter, safer Gotham to be realized?

I see this Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 poster every day on the side of a bus during my daily commute, and every time I look at it, it just looks weird to be. What’s up with Voldemort’s face? Why does it look like he’s belting out an aria? Judging by Harry’s reaction, Voldemort is tone deaf.


In case you were wondering whether or not the American version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo would have nudity in it, wonder no more, as even the poster for the movie has nudity in it. Your eyes don’t deceive you; that’s a nipple.

I’m putting the chances of you encountering this poster at a theater in the US at somewhere around zero. I’ve been to Europe a few times and never saw a movie poster with nudity there, but my experiences with seeing European movie posters was limited to public plazas and mass transit stations. I’ve never been inside a European movie theater. Is nudity in posters a common thing there? Does anyone know in which countries this poster is running?

One thought on “Talking Posters: Warner Bros Releases the First Teaser Poster for The Dark Knight Rises, The NSFW Poster for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Bus Poster

  1. Sanbaby says:

    This poster is up in Denmark – actually I’ve seen it both at the theaters as well as Outdoors. I simply LOVE it …. very true to the books 🙂

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