Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 97 – Mariah Carey is Voicing What Batman Character?!?

Billy and Dave are back with another episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast! In news of the weird, hear whom Mariah Carey is voicing in the next Lego Batman. And if you’re heading to the comic book store this Wednesday, listen to the guys’ picks in The Twenty, where they keep their recommendations to a $20 budget. Plus, reviews of last week’s comics, which were full of some very unexpected letdowns and some very unexpectedly awesome comics.

Hint: Klaus is on the awesome list.

Hint: Klaus is on the awesome list.

Tuesday Night Comics 96 – Supergirl TV Pilot Reviewed!

Billy and Dave review the first episode of Supergirl and recommend some most likely overlooked comics that are coming out this Wednesday. Want to find out what comic you missed? Listen to the new episode!