Booster Gold Futures End, Comixology and a Hint of the Return of the Pre-Flashpoint DCU?

Is DC Comics hinting at a return of the pre-Flashpoint DCU?

First we got the announcement that the the Giffen/DeMatteis versions of Booster Gold and Blue Beetle were retuning in the pages Justice League 3000. This was met with overwhelmingly positive fan reaction.


Then, on the final page of Superman: Doomed #2, we see shattered fragments of reality that are definitely not of Earth 0 in the New 52. Superman with his trunks on the outside, the 1980s Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans team in their 1980s outfits and the classic JSA, with a very pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths looking Huntress. None of the characters in the shards on this page are in their New-52 costumes.

Superman Doomed Final Page

And now we noticed that on Comixology, Booster Gold Futures End #1 is filed under the pre-Flashpoint Booster Gold series!

Booster Gold Comixology


Booster Gold Futures End #1 is also filed this way in DC’s own web store!

Booster Gold DC Site

While this isn’t an in-story hint, it is potentially very telling.  DC and Comixology could have easily given this Booster Gold comic a new volume. What makes this doubly interesting is that Booster Gold Futures End #1 is the first pre-Flashpoint that DC has published since the start of the New 52. Even Grant Morrison’s Batman Inc. was forced to renumber and restart with a new volume in the New 52 (and don’t even get us started on the pre-Flashpoint continuity errors that riddled that book).

It’s been rumored in the past that the New-52 Booster Gold might remember the pre-Flashpoint DCU, because he was outside the timestream when Flashpoint occurred. Is Booster Gold the key unlocking the door to DC’s past?

What do you think? Is DC hinting at the return of the pre-Flashpoint DCU?

Written by Billy Henehan. Research by Dave Tomko.

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast – Episode 37

Billy and Dave talk give you their picks for new comics coming out Wednesday, 9/17/14, discuss the end of Original Sin, give their thoughts on Futures End, and find some Easter Eggs in Multiversity. And most important of all…Blue Beetle and Booster Gold are coming back to the DCU!!!! It’s a great episode; listen now!


Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 36

Hey everyone, Billy here. I apologize PROFUSELY for the lateness of this episode. We had a technical issue with downloading the audio file, and weren’t able to edit it until today. But I do hope that you enjoy this episode! 

In the new episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast, Billy and Dave preview this coming Wednesday’s  yesterday’s comics. Our picks are in, and they’re not all covered in 3D motion covers (but there are plenty of those from both DC and Marvel if that’s your thing). The guys also review last week’s comics and look back at the first three years of the New 52, and talk about reading Geoff Johns’s and Jim Lee’s run on Justice League now vs when it first came out.

batman futures end

Give it a listen!

The Tuesday Night Comics podcast is FREE on iTunes

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 31

Dave and Billy are here with previews and picks for this Wednesday’s trip to the comic book store (or digital storefront). They also talk about their recent reads. Dave’s been catching up on Manhattan Projects and Billy has been taking out a bunch of graphic novels from his local library (FREE COMICS!!!!).

The guys talk about Stephanie Brown aka The Spoiler’s return to the DCU in Batman Eternal. Since we talk about a very specific images, we’re including them here.


New 52 Spoiler

stephanie brown future nightwing

Future Stephanie Brown as the new Nightwing


Smallville Stephanie Brown Nightwing and Batman



Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 26

Can you believe it? It’s been half a year since the start of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast! In this episode, Billy and Dave give you their picks for the new comics you should be looking out for in the store the week of Wednesday, July 2, 2014.

They also go extensively in-depth on John Romita Jr’s and Geoff Johns’s debut on Superman in Superman #32, and the importance of the Superman supporting cast.


And the guys have started the campaign for the most missed DC character in the New 52, Lenny Luthor!

lenny luthor



Tuesday Night Comics Podcast #13

In the latest episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast, Billy and Dave discuss new comic books being released on Wednesday, April 2, 2014 and review the past week’s comics. Billy explains the Terrigan Mists to Dave, while Dave explains the current state of the New 52 to Billy. Billy learns to how to pronounce Madureira and Dave learns how to pronounce basilisk.
