Image Comics is currently running a Humble Bundle sale to raise money for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Pay what you want and receive DRM-free digital copies of East of West Vol. 1, Fatale Vol. 1, Lazarus Vol. 1 and Morning Glories Vol. 1.
If you donate more than the average donation amount ($9.62 at the time of this writing), you can also get Saga Vol. 1, Revival Vol. 1 and Chew Vol. 1.
And if you’re feeling extra generous, donate $15 or more dollars to unlock all the above, plus The Walking Dead Vol.1 and the newly released The Walking Dead Vol. 20! That’s 48 comics in total for only 15 bucks!!
This is way to get some truly excellent comics at a low price and help raise money for a worthy charity. Win-Win! Click here to head to the Image Humble Bundle Sale.
UPDATE: Image has added more books to the Humble Bundle! If you donate above the average donation, you will also receive Saga Vol. 2 and Manhattan Projects Vol. 1!