My 2nd New York Comic-Con

This year, I had the pleasure of attending my second NY Comic-Con. My first one, in 2011, was a dizzying, eye-opening experience of costumes, nerd love, and getting faked out by the promise of cupcakes. In 2012 I, sadly, was attending a wedding instead of witnessing the marriage of geekdom and even deeper niche geekdom. But this year, I was back and so was a beautifully renovated Javits Center.

I love traveling to the Javits via subway. Looking around in my car, I was wearing my 10th Doctor t-shirt and looked like the only one heading to this thing. But then as I got out on 7th Ave and walked west, I was slowly joined by more and more throngs clearly heading exactly where I was. How did I know? The capes gave it away, mostly. Also the inordinate amount of spandex.

And then, a block away. I witnessed this:

Panhandler Fett

Why, yes, that is Boba Fett on an accordion. And he was playing the theme song from Zelda.

Anyway, the Javits was a big buzz of excitement, art, merch, and—my favorite part—creative costumes. As someone who throws a yearly themed birthday party, you know I have an appreciation for costumes—most especially the homemade ones.

Like this girl who came dressed as a character from Oregon Trail:

Oregon Trail cosplay


Or this homemade Dalek:

Doctor and Dalek

In fact there were a lot of Doctor Who related costumes this year, which I appreciated. Though, I thought, a dearth of Harry Potter costumes. Something I think I must remedy next year. (Luckily, I have thrown a Harry Potter themed party before so I am prepared.)

And speaking of Doctor Who, I was pretty thrilled that I had an opportunity to see John “Captain Jack” Barrowman—especially since I missed him at the convention I accidentally happened upon in Dusseldorf, Germany this year whilst on my honeymoon. (True story: you can read about it here).

The line to get his autograph and a photo with him were c-razy long. I mean, I have a photo of it, but I’m not sure how much you can surmise from it since I am a) short and b) not wearing a costume to compensate for that. (Another note to self for next year. Perhaps I can go as Madame Maxime.)

John Barrowman NYCC line

But trust me, it was long.  And, also, we had missed the photo portion, which made me sad since JB was wearing his suspenders and giving out hugs. He looks like a good hugger.

Luckily, we just managed to eke into the Q&A session with him. It was standing room only but we got to stand pretty close to the front. If you’ve ever wondered what John Barrowman is like in person, think Captain Jack—but not toned down for television. And I include the sometimes X-rated Torchwood in this scenario. In other words: charming, hilariously inappropriate, and raunchy as all get-out.  Oh, and very purty, of course.

JB answered questions ranging from the practical jokes the Torchwood cast played on each other (involved nudity) to whether he likes Thai food (also, surprisingly, involved some nudity. And diarrhea). It was a really fun hour, punctuated by his husband Scott “swishing” out on stage in a Superman costume (“Superman doesn’t swish!” John protested), and John planting one on him. Who doesn’t want a bit of romance inserted into their Comic-Con, I ask you?

John Barrowman Panel NYCC

My Comic-Con experience ended at the art auction. I’ve actually never been to an auction before at all, so it was fun to sit there with a paddle and see people get razzed over some really beautiful art. The fact that all proceeds went to charity made it that much sweeter.

And what does one do after a rejuvenating celebration of stories and arts and people’s unbridled passion for the above? Channel it into karaoke, of course. So, really, you might say that my Comic-Con experience ended with a rousing duet of “Beauty and the Beast.” There may have also been a Grease 2 song in there…but I’ll never spill which one.

Written by Sarvenaz Tash. Check out her debut novel, The Mapmaker and the GhostPhotos by Graig Kreindler. 

NYCC 2013: Saturday Panel & Screening Highlights

Say hello the busiest day of New York Comic Con. There are some very cool panels and screenings today. Companies know today is the busy day, and most of the stellar programming is scheduled for today. That said, it might even be worth going to a panel you’re only mildly interested in just to take a break from the crowds. Ah, seating, glorious seating…

11:00 – 12:00 – Archer: Discussion and Q&A – Main Stage 1-D
Pretty much everyone on the show will be here. What a great way to start Saturday. Can’t make it to Javits in time? You can watch it on the internet live here:

11:15 – 12:15 – 50 Years of Doctor Who – 1A23
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like any of the actors associated with Doctor Who will be here. But creators of the comics and TV series will be here to talk about the long lasting endurance of Doctor Who during the past 50 years.

11:15 – 12:15 – IDW: The Ultimate Panel – 1A10
Well, this is an interesting one. Has IDW had a presence at New York Comic Con over the past few years? I want to say no. I’m glad they’re appearing here this year. I only wish the special edition of the Jeff Smith Artist Edition was debuting here as well. But good news: Darwyn Cooke will be on this panel. Hello, Parker news.

12:15 – 1:15 – Marvel Video Games – Empire Stage 1-E
Remember when licensed video games sucked? I guess in some cases they still do. But Marvel’s games have been good lately. I’m definitely looking forward to Marvel: Lego. Or is it Lego: Marvel. Either way, I’m in.

12:15 – 1:15 – Diamond Select Toys: Best of All Worlds – 1A01
Do you love Diamond Select Toys? You want to be here.

12:15 – 1:15 – Superman 75th Celebration – Main Stage 1-D
Superman is 75! Mike Carlin, the group editor behind the Death of Superman and Dan Didio, the head honcho of DC responsible for the death of any decent stories in the Superman comics (sorry, couldn’t resist) will be on hand to talk about comic’s most iconic character.

12:30 – 2:30 – Yaya Han – Celebrity Cosplayer Autographing – Booth 2537
Celebrity cosplayer? This is a thing? Really?

1:00 – 1:30 – Stan Lee Photo Op-Saturday – Photo Op, Autographing Area
Quite possibly the best 60 bucks you’ll spend this weekend.

1:15 – 2:15 – Marvel: Inhumanity & All-New Marvel Now – 1A06
Interested in the future of the Marvel Universe? This is the panel you need to be at. Inhumanity is Marvel’s follow-up to Infinity and many titles will be launching under the All-New Marvel Now banner. Be there!

1:30 – 2:30 – Justice League: Forever Evil! – 1A22
I find it weird that Geoff Johns isn’t listed as an attendee for this panel. I would find it even weirder if he doesn’t show up for it.

2:00 – 2:15 – Andrew McCarthy Photo-Op – Booth #2142
Only if we can recreate the poster to Weekend at Bernies.

2:00 – 3:00 – Scott C. Signing The Great Showdowns The Return – Booth #2142
Scott C.’s The Great Showdowns is one of the best purchases I made at New York Comic Con in 2012. Go to this signing. Scott is super nice and last year he drew characters in everyone’s books.

2:30 – 4:00 – IFC’s Back to Back Comedy Event Comedy Bang! Bang! & The Birthday Boys – 1A06
This should be a very funny panel. If your energy is running low at this point in the day, and you need to rest your dogs, this might be the perfect place to sit, relax and laugh.

2:45 – 3:45 – Star Wars Rebels: The Might of the Empire – Empire Stage 1-E
Of course this would be on the Empire Stage. New Star Wars TV show! It takes place during the classic trilogy! Eeeeeeeee!!!!!

2:45 – 3:45 – The Thrilling Adventure Hour World Domination Tour – 1A14
Fresh from their two sold out shows Friday night at The Bell House in Brooklyn, the writers and cast of The Thrilling Adventure Hour will be at this panel moderated by Greg Rucka. Sorry, IFC, but this might be the funniest panel of Saturday.

3:00 – 4:00 – Archie Comics: Zombies, Heroes, Cartoons, Movies and More!
No lie, Afterlife With Archie is the comic I’m most excited for this fall.

3:40 – 4:00 – Gillian Anderson and David Duchovney Photo Op – Photo Op Booth, Autographing Area
Look, if you’re going to spend $220 on this, wear a black suit, white shirt and black tie. Don’t wear your stained I WANT TO BELIEVE t-shirt from 1996. Do it right!

4:00 – 5:00 – Marvel: Cup o’ Joe – Empire Stage 1-E
Expect a lot of those one word press releases to have their secrets revealed here!

4:00 – 5:00 – Valiant Comics: Must Read Valiant – 1A01
Valiant controls less than 2% of the comics market, but it’s a very loyal, energetic and vocal audience. They’re still starting up their new shared universe. Now might be a good time to jump in.

4:00 – 5:00 – Neil deGrasse Tyson Autographing – Autographing Table 7
Neil deGrasse Tyson is the coolest scientist since Bill Nye. It’s a free autograph AND you get to talk to Neil deGrasse Tyson! Bring you copy of Action Comics 14!

4:15 – 5:15 – Robert Kirkman’s Skybound – 1A08
Here’s your go to spot for all Robert Kirkman news non-The Walking Dead related!

4:30 – 5:30 – Roberto Acquirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla Autographing – Booth #1936
I previously mentioned how excited I am for Afterlife With Archie. The creative team of that comic will be signing it here. Expect me there.

5:00 – 6:00 – Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Main Stage 1-D
Tuesday Night Movies is reviewing every episode of this series. I’m loving the series so far and am very much looking forward to this panel.

5:15 – 6:15 – DC Comics: The New 52 – Empire Stage 1-E
This panel happening at the same time as the Agents of SHIELD panel might explain the nice, enjoyable lull in show floor traffic around 5:30 on Saturday.

5:30 – 6:30 – Hanna-Barbera and the Designs of Alex Toth -1A03
Alex Toth is cool.

5:30 – 6:30 PM – Abrams Presents the Adventure Time Encyclopedia Panel with the Lord of Evil and Marceline the Vampire Queen – 1A08
6:45 – 7:45 – Adventure Time Encyclopedia Autographing – Autographing Table 21
If you are a fan of Adventure Time, here is the panel for you. There will be a reading from this book from the cast. If you can’t make tonight’s signing at NYCC, there are other signings scheduled at Forbidden Planet and Bergen St Comics this week.

6:30 – 7:30 – AMC’s The Walking Dead – Main Stage 1-D
If you want to attend this panel, get here early. There will undoubtedly be a long line to get in, and I’m guessing more people interested than there are seats. The cast will be here and they will be showing footage from the upcoming fourth season.

6:30 – 7:30 – John Barrowman Q&A – Empire Stage 1-E
Depending on the quality of the questions, this could be one of the coolest panels of NYCC. I hope John Barrowman does a song.

7:45 – 8:45 – Batman: Arkham Origins – Empire Stage 1-E
Is there an upcoming video game more anticipated than Batman: Arkham Origins? Not in my house, there isn’t.

8:00 – 10:00 – NYCC Charity Auction – 1A17
I’ve been following Mike Negin on Twitter. He runs the NYCC Charity Auction and has been posting pictures of the art that has been donated. All I can say is wow! You need to go to this auction. The money raised goes to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, a very worthwhile cause. Check out @MightyMikeNegin on Twitter for a peek at the art. You’ll be glad you did.

Written by Nicholas Doyle.

Zero Dark Thirty – Review

5/5 – Zero Dark Thirty should be on your Must See list!

I didn’t think it would happen, but I might now like a movie from 2012 more than Argo. I loved Argo and am glad that Ben Affleck has been taking a bunch of awards home for it, but wow, Zero Dark Thirty, you are amazing.

To be honest, I wasn’t too excited for Zero Dark Thirty. I thought Hurt Locker was great, but it was so emotionally draining that I wasn’t sure if I could sit through another Kathryn Bigelow military movie. I had a feeling I would probably respect ZDT more than I would actually like it. Still, I wanted to see as many Best Picture nominees as I could before the Oscars, so I went with my Billy and Bryan Show co-host and frequent commenter on this blog, Bryan, to see it at at Cobble Hill Cinemas.

First, a little about Cobble Hill Cinemas before I get into the movie. I was pleasantly surprised to find that our Saturday screening qualified for the discount rate. Their discount calendar is little complex. Tuesday and Thursday movies are discounted all day. Monday and Wednesday are discounted before 5 PM. The first screening of a movie is discounted on Saturdays, but only if it is before 1 PM. And I think the fifth screening of a movie is discounted on Ash Wednesday if the date ends in a vowel.

There’s also some new items on the menu at the snack counter: Mexican coffee, and the Abuelita which is Mexican coffee mixed with hot chocolate. Oooo, how worldly! One Abuelita, please! Unfortunately, the drink becomes a little less exciting and worldly when you realize it’s coming from a Nescafe machine.

Okay, enough about the snack counter.

The opening minute or two of Zero Dark Thirty is very intense. The screen is black and all you hear are news reports and 911 calls from September 11, 2001. It’s rough, because I was immediately taken back to that day. At the same time, I was wondering why Kathryn Bigelow decided to start the movie like that. My theory is that it primes the audience to identify with the US interrogators who were using enhanced interrogation techniques.  All I can say is that it worked, because I found myself very much rooting for Jason Clarke’s character Dan to get information from that first suspect.

Jason Clarke is great in Zero Dark Thirty. I’m surprised he wasn’t nominated for an Oscar. Maybe his role in the film was too short to qualify as a Best Supporting Actor?

The real shining star of the movie is Jessica Chastain. Her character, Maya, reminds me of Erin Brockovich era Julia Roberts, and not just because they both have fair skin and red hair. It’s because they’re both no-nonsense women on missions, who are sacrificing their personal lives and going to the breaking point for the greater good. Maya’s response to James Gandolfini, when he asks who she is, might be my favorite line in the entire movie.

I’m surprised that Jennifer Lawrence is favored to win the Oscar for Best Lead Actress over Jessica Chastain. I liked Silver Linings Playbook a lot, but outside of her scene-stealing speech in Pat’s house, I didn’t think Jennifer Lawrence’s character was Oscar favorite-worthy over Maya.

There were a surprising number of TV actors in this movie. Kyle Chandler, James Gandolfini, Harold Perrineau (who, surprisingly did not yell “WALLLLLLLLLLLLTTTTT!!!!!” even once), John Barrowman, Mark Duplass and Christ Pratt all have roles. Out of them, I knew only Chris Pratt was in ZDT. He’s not in the movie as much as the trailer suggests, but he gives a very good dramatic performance. I’m so used to him in the comedic role of Andy on Parks and Rec that I forgot I first saw him in the drama, Everwood.

I’d been on a Torchwood and Doctor Who binge right before I saw ZDT, so when John Barrowman appeared on screen, I giggled.

After seeing Kyle Chandler in both Argo and Zero Dark Thirty, I’m fairly convinced he is an actual CIA agent.

Coach Taylor is Agent Chandler’s cover story.

The odds on favorite for Best Picture going into Sunday’s Academy Awards is Argo, and I’m very happy for Ben Affleck. He was unduly snubbed by the Academy for Best Director, so I hope he walks away with Best Picture. But after seeing Zero Dark Thirty, my personal race for Best Picture is too close to call.