Top 5 Exclusives of WonderCon 2013

WonderCon starts today and will be running through the entirety of this weekend in Anaheim, CA! The exclusives list isn’t as extensive as San Diego Comic-Con or New York Comic Con, but there are still some very cool items available. Here’s what we think are the best.

Aardman Batman and Robin Action Figures 2-Pack (DC/Graphitti Designs)
Price: $39.95, Limited to 2000

Different than the Aardman Batman NYCC 2012 exclusive, this Aardman Batmn sports the classic blue and grey uniform. Also included is an Aardman Robin, whose costume looks like a cross between Dick Grayson’s and Tim Drake’s Robin costumes. If you’re not interested in an Aardman Robin and want to save some money, you can still order the NYCC exclusive black and gray costumed Aardman Batman directly from Graphitti Designs’s website for $25.

3.75″ Larfleeze and Guy Gardner Action Figures 2-Pack (DC/Graphitti Designs)
Price: $29.95, Limited to 5,000

This 2-pack looks better designed than the John Stewart and Atrocitus 2-pack from NYCC 2012. Guy looks like Guy. I love the smirk on his face. Orange Lantern Larfleeze looks great. And you get a figure of Larfleeze’s orange construct minion Glomulus. If you missed the John Stewart and Atrocitus 2-pack from NYCC, you can find that on Graphitti Designs’s website for $25, $5 less than this set. Personally, I’d rather pay the $5 extra for this set if I had to choose between the two.

Will Eisner’s Spirit Artist Edition: Limited Signed and Numbered (IDW)
Price: $300, Limited to 100
If you want this, you may have had to order it already. IDW took pre-orders for this book on their website on 3/27 and had it listed as sold out on 3/28. If you’re interested in buying this, I recommend making the IDW booth your first stop at WonderCon to see if they have any available. Is this version worth $175 more than the regular edition? Well, it’s signed by a man who died 8 before this book was published. I’m not sure how IDW pulled that off. My guess is that IDW cut Will Eisner’s signature from legal documents and pasted them in the book. That, or IDW has one hell of a paranormal communications division. The other difference is the cover. The regular version features The Spirit front and center, while this version has him regulated to a small circle  in favor of femme fatale Sand Seraf. On a side note, Sand Seraf has one of the coolest names ever in comics.

Gil Kane’ Amazing Spider-Man Artist Edition: Limited Signed and Numbered (IDW)
Price: $250, Limited to 250
This version has a different cover than the regular edition. I like this cover much better. It’s also signed by four of the creators involved. Sadly, IDW’s paranormal communications department was unable to procure Gil Kane’s signature, but it is signed by Stan Lee, John Romita, Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas. That’s an impressive classic Marvel line-up.

It’s not as cool as the John Romita Artist Edition Limited Edition, which was the same price and included a head sketch by Jazzy John Romita. Like the limited edition of the Will Eisner Artist Edition, this version is listed as sold out on IDW’s website as of 3/28. Head straight to the IDW booth if you want to buy this.

David Flores’ “Deathshead” Vinyl Figure
Price: $100, Limited to 30

I have to give David Flores props on his ballsiness. He’s releasing this scary looking skull faced Mickey Mouse in Anaheim, aka Disney-town. WonderCon is a stone’s throw from Disneyland. I’m interested in finding out if Disney’s lawyers give him a hard time about this when they hear about it. That said, this vinyl figure would make a very cool looking antithesis to the cuddly Mickey Mouse on your coworker’s desk.

Star Wars Legacy Volume II #1 Exclusive WonderCon Variant Cover (Dark Horse)
Price $5, Limited to 1,000
This variant cover features Han Solo and Princess Leia’s descendant, and series star, Aina Solo wielding her recently found lightsaber. For those unfamiliar with the concept, Star Wars Legacy takes place a long time in the future of the Star Wars universe. Writer/artist Gabriel Hardman and writer Corinna Bechko will be signing this issue at the Dark Horse booth on Sunday. Make sure to get a ticket to the signing when you pick up this issue. DC has a couple of variant covers available at WonderCon too, but they’re just lazy, recolored editions of Justice League of America #1 (because that issue needed another cover) and Batman #17 at 2 1/2 times the regular cover price (cough, ripoff, cough).