Tuesday Night Comics 103 – Squadron Supreme 1 Reviewed!

In the new episode of the Tuesday Night Comics podcast, Dave and Billy review Squadron Supreme #1 by James Robinson and Leonard Kirk. If you didn’t read this comic, you really need to be read this comic. Dave and Billy talk about other stuff too, like which comics they’re most excited for on 12/23/15, but really, do yourself a favor, read Squadron Supreme #1 and then listen to this episode. Trust us.

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast Episode 100!!!!

We did it! 100 straight weeks of the Tuesday Night Comics Podcast! To celebrate, Billy and Dave discuss the newly dropped Captain America: Civil War trailer. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, you can watch it here!

Billy and Dave also talk about what comics they bought during comiXology’s massive Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, give their picks for what new comics to buy on Wednesday 12/2/15, and give in-depth reviews of Dark Knight III #1, Ringside #1, Transformers vs. GI Joe Volume 1, Tomasi and Gleason’s pre-Flashpoint run of Batman and Robin, and Scott Snyder and Jock’s run on Detective Comics, The Black Mirror.

Tuesday Night Comics Podcast 99 – Should You Buy Dark Knight III?

Episode 99! Listen and find out whether or not you should buy Dark Knight III: The Master Race. We review Batman: Europa, Uncanny Avengers Annual #1 and more. Plus, listen up for the details regarding a very huge comic book related Cyber Monday sale!
 dark knight 3 boot cover