Attack on Titan: Part One – Review


Attack on Titan is a mega-successful hit anime and manga which I have never watched or read. So when a friend asked who wanted to see the live action adaptation of the property, of course I said yes.

attack on titan pre-movie

Photo courtesy of @ilikecomicstoo.


A group of about eight of us went to see Attack on Titan: Part One in the theater. Out of everyone, I was the one least familiar with the series. I have intended to dive into Attack on Titan for some time now, but just kept finding other books to read, movies to watch, and TV series to get lost in.

Before the movie started, there was already a palpable feeling of dread in the audience, and with good reason. Early reviews had not been kind, and beloved characters had been dropped from the live action version. The names of these characters were meaningless to me. The most I had read and watched of Attack on Titan before this was flipping through a few pages of this year’s Free Comic Book Day offering and watching @ilikecomictoo’s video of the Attack on Titan-themed Escape the Room event that took place at the Staten Island Yankees game over the summer. But imagine if the Harry Potter movies had dropped Dumbledore. From talking to people at the theater, it was this big a change.

In a way, I was lucky to not be familiar with the characters or story. Any changes, big or small, would be lost on me. That said, as I was watching the movie, I couldn’t tell if some of the not great bits were or weren’t just created for the movie.

Judging the movie strictly on its own merits as a standalone film, it’s not very good…and that’s being generous. If I was giving it a letter grade, I’d have to go with a D+. It’s the kind of movie that you would find on the bottom shelf of your local video store when local video stores were a thing. It seems like the filmmakers blew the vast majority of their budget on the Colossal Titan. I will say the Colossal Titan did look cool. Unfortunately, this came at the expense of every other piece of special effects in the movie. Eren’s titan form looked like a rubber suit – because it was.

attack-on-titan eren titan

My favorite parts of the movie were bits of dialog that were unintentionally funny. I don’t know if something was lost in translation, but the scene where that one girl asks Eren, “Do you want to be my daughter’s father?” followed by “Do you not like single mothers?” had me cracking up for days after seeing the movie. People who have gone through the trauma of sitting through this movie all the way to the end should use these quotes to identify each other out in the wild.

Besides the cool looking Colossal Titan, those two golden nuggets of dialog, if the movie was good at anything, it was in making me become an immediate fan of Potato Girl. I am 100% on #TeamSasha. My big hope for Attack on Titan: Part Two is that the movie is all Potato Girl. Yes, I will be watching Part Two (we bought our tickets before Part One opened. And this is a fun group. I’d see any not so good movie with them). Despite this movie not being good, it did get me more interested in the source material, so that’s a win for it, right?

attack on titan at the theater

Photo courtesy of @ilikecomicstoo.


Tuesday Night Comics Podcast – Attack on Titan by Scott Snyder and Gail Simone?!? And More From NYCC!

Billy is all alone this week, and he’s talking NYCC! Plus, he reviews Invincible Iron Man #1, Dr. Strange #1, Amazing Spider-Man #1 and more. Plus, The Twenty!

What did Billy think was the biggest news to come out of New York Comic Con? Hint: it involves Scott Snyder.

The Biggest Attack on Titan Manga Announcement Ever

The most exciting news from this year’s New York Comic Con may have come from one of the smallest panel rooms at the convention. Before NYCC, Attack on Titan’s publisher, Kodansha, said they had big news, but were very tight lipped pertaining to any details of the announcement. It should be no surprise that Attack on Titan fans filled room 1A18 to capacity for a panel titled The Biggest Attack on Titan Manga Announcement Ever to hear what the news would be.

Before NYCC, The Beat speculated that the big announcement would involve American creators working on Attack on Titan. This was based on the fact that Jeanine Schaefer, known for her DC and Marvel, work would be one of the panelists.

The Beat speculated correctly.

Before a tightly packed, standing room only crowd, Kodansha announced that for the first time ever, western creators would be doing work on Attack on Titan. Coming in late 2016 is the Attack on Titan Anthology, a full color 250 page book of Attack on Titan short stories. Kodansha has booked some of the biggest names in comics to work on this book. The creators include Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher, Michael Avon Oeming, Cameron Stewart, Paolo Rivera, Gail Simone and Scott Snyder.

Yes, that Scott Snyder.


Snyder himself made an appearance at the panel, literally running into the room from another panel and up to a microphone on stage. The crowd gave Scott a heavy amount of applause after he expressed his love for the Attack on Titan manga and anime, and that he hoped people dug the story he was working on for the anthology.   IMG_8284

The art for the Attack on Titan Anthology that Kodansha had on display was gorgeous! With the talent they’ve lined up for this project, I see the Attack on Titan Anthology being one of the must-read comics of next year.


Late 2016 can’t get her fast enough.

UPDATE: Kodansha will have a free preview available of Attack on Titan Anthology on Free Comic Book Day 2016.

NYCC 2015 Saturday Panels – Our Picks!

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Written by Nick Doyle and Billy Henehan.

They say if you can survive Saturday at NYCC, you can make it anywhere. There’s a reason why the Saturday tickets sell out before 4-Day Passes sell out and that is because Saturday is the mother of all days at NYCC. Most of the biggest events are happening today. Will you be able to make it all of them? Of course not, not unless you own a Time Turner. There are too many panels to go through on the NYCC site, but you don’t have to wade through them all. Because we have cut through all the mediocre panels to bring you the best of the best. If you have to choose, at least choose from these. Because these are the BEST of the BEST of New York Comic Con Saturday 2015.

Writers Unite: Writing and Pitching Comic Stories – 11:00-12:00 1A01

This seems almost like a sequel to Charles Soule and Marguerite Bennett’s panel together at Special Edition: NYC. That was a great panel; I expect this one to be as well. Writers talking writing. More panels like this please.

Spotlight on Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba: Different is Cool – 11:00-12:00 1A18

It’s been years since Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba have been at NYCC. If you’re a fan of theirs, you need to be at this panel, because who knows how long it will be until they return?

Thrilling Adventure Hour – 11:15-12:15 1A24

Listen to the cast and writers of Thrilling Adventure Hour discuss their dearly departed comedy podcast (which lives on as a couple of Image Comics series – check them out!).

All-New All-Different Marvel – 11:15-12:15 1A10

Marvel announcement. Glorious Marvel announcements. Oooh, Gerry Duggan is going to be there. Looks like I’m going to this panel dressed as Zenpool. If you spot me, be sure to say hi. 🙂

DC Comics: Heroes to the Core – 12:15-1:15 1A06

Dan Didio will be talking with DC creators on stage, including John Romita Jr (it’s still hard for me to think of him as a DC guy), Robert Venditti and more about the future of the DCU (not to be confused with DC You, which DC seems to be quickly backing away from).

Disney-Lucasfilm Publishing Presents Star Wars: Journey to Force Awakens – 12:15-1:15 1A21

Have you noticed the flood of Journey to Force Awakens books that have recently hit the marketplace? The writers of those novels, including Greg Rucka and Chuck Wendig, will be at this panel discussing their Star Wars writing.

Cinemax Presents Robert Kirkman’s New Series Outcast – 1:30-2:30 1A06

Wow, Cinemax really wants to drive the connection to The Walking Dead home on this one. Who can blame them? After the success of The Walking Dead, I can only assume they paid a good deal for the rights to Kirkman’s new series, Outcast. Series star Patrick Fugit (Almost Famous) and Robert Kirkman will both be here to talk about the upcoming show.

DC Comics – Batman: The Bat Universe 1:30-2:30 Empire Stage 1-E

Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Peter Tomasi, Amy Chu, Tom King, Tim Seeley, Khary Randolph and James Tynion IV will all be at this panel. What a line-up! If you’re reading a Batbook right now, this is your panel.

Using Tmblr to Sell Your Idea – 1:30-2:30 1B03

Here’s a panel that has both an interesting theme and a stellar line-up. Felipe Smith (All-New Ghost Rider), Kieron Gillen (The Wicked + The Divine) and Katie Cook (artist of the cutest and smallest con sketches ever) will be in conversation with Marlene aka @ilikecomicstoo about using social media to sell your idea. I’m a huge fan of Kieron Gillen’s tumblr blog, which gives behind-the-scenes insights into his writing. It’s like reading a director’s commentary for his comics. I will definitely be at this panel. You should too.

Clueless 20th Anniversary Panel – 1:45-2:45 1A10

Clueless writer/director Amy Heckerling will be speaking about the movie, which in my opinion is one of the best movies of the 1990s.

Marvel: Cup O’Joe – 2:45-3:45 Empire Stage 1-E

The Cup O’Joe panel is a mainstay of NYCC. If you’re a Marvel fan, you’re going to want to make sure you get a seat to this one. We’ll no doubt be seeing exclusive looks at post-Secret Wars Marvel Comics for the first time. Kieron Gillen will be here. Follow him from the tumblr panel to this one, where he’ll be talking about his upcoming Marvel work. Other guests include Charles Soule and Dan Slott.

The Splat: All That Reunion – 4:15-5:15 1A10

Wait, Kel will be here but not Keenan? That is not a Goodburger…

Cartoon Network Presents: Regular Show 4:15-5:15 – Hammerstein Ballroom

NYCC has grown so big this year that some panels and screenings are taking place at The Hammerstein Ballroom. If you walked over from Penn Station along 34 Street, you no doubt passed by it. What could make you leave the Javits Center to attend a panel? Four words: Regular Show. The Movie.

Marvel Netflix: Daredevil and Jessica Jones: Alias. 5:00-6:45 Main Stage 1-D

Hopefully the ticketing for this is not as big a clusterfuck as it was for last year’s Daredevil panel, where a bunch of jerks tried cutting the line, causing Marvel to send everyone on their way before Marvel had a ticket lottery later in the day. I am so excited for both the return of Daredevil and the new Alias series. If only they were also giving us some news on Damage Control. Who knows? Maybe they are. (Wristband required)

FUNimation Industry Panel – 5:30-6:30 1A24

After recently getting into Attack on Titan, I’m all about this panel.

NYCC Charity Auction – 7:00-9:00 1A18

This is my favorite event at all of NYCC. If you are an original art collector, this is a MUST ATTEND event. Mike Negin, the Artist Alley coordinator amasses a spectacular collection of original comic book art to be auctioned off every year for charity. All money raised goes directly to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Original art pages, covers (COVERS!) and convention sketches will all be auctioned off. Even if you don’t buy any art, come for the bidding, which tends to vicious at different points. Expect the Adam Hughes and Walt Simonson pieces to be the #1 and #2 most expensive pieces of the night (they were the last two years). It’s an awesome time, and a terrific charity fundraiser. GO TO THIS!

Doctor Who Fan Screening and Q&A with Screenwriter Toby Whithouse – 7:45-9:15 

See the new Doctor Who episode Before the Flood before it airs on BBC America! I’m so tempted to go to this, but I’ll be at the Art Auction. While I’m losing out to bidders with a bigger bankroll, I will be sitting there jealous of all of you at this Doctor Who screening, especially because you’ll be able to ask screenwriter Toby Whithouse questions right after the episode. Please make them good questions. You’re watching the new episode that he wrote – make your questions specific to that.


NYCC 2015 Thursday Panels – Our Picks!

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Written by Sarv Kreindler.

There are SO MANY panels and screenings at NYCC each year, and this year it seems like they’ve grown in number once again. These show guides will help you make the most of your time at NYCC. Here are our team’s picks for the best panels and screenings for Thursday at NYCC 2015!

88 MPH: A Celebration of Back to the Future – 11:00 – 12:00 – 1A06

Back to the Future turns 30 this year! Join the filmmakers behind “Back in Time,” the Steven Spielberg approved documentary about Back to the Future. “But wait, didn’t Robert Zemekis direct Back to the Future? Who cares if Steven Spielberg approved this documentary?” True, but Spielberg is the Executive Producer of Back to the Future. I’m setting the over/under of Marty McFly cosplayers in this room at 4. Are you taking the over or the under?

Hasbro Star Wars – 11:15 – 12:15 – 1A24

We haven’t seen any sort of announcement from Hasbro regarding NYCC exclusives at the time of this writing, but I’m hoping with the upcoming licensing monster that is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, we’re going to get something. Whether or not we get any NYCC exclusives from Hasbro this NYCC, if you’re a Star Wars fan, this is a must-attend panel. With the new movie coming out this December, Hasbro has a lot of new product hitting the shelves soon. See your first look at it here.

Toddfather Talks Toys, Comics, Spawn and Insight Into Being an Independent Creator – 12:15 – 1:15 – 1A06

In all my years of attending conventions, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Todd McFarlane speak at a panel. I was able to get his autograph at two different New York Comic Cons, but I’ve never heard him speak on stage. He’s going to present the new Walking Dead and Game of Thrones sets that McFarlane Toys is producing. I may go to this just hear an hour of Todd on Todd.

Andre The Giant: The Man Behind the Legend – 12:30 – 1:30 – 1A24

If you attended last year’s Cary Elwes panel, this looks like a nice follow-up. Andre the Giant’s daughter, Robin Christensen Roussimoff, will be telling stories about her dad, aka Fezzik from The Princess Bride.

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Panel – 1:30 – 2:30 – Empire Stage 1-E

Do you watch Rebels? If so, you’re going to want to come to this panel, which fill feature stars of the show. Be sure to come back at 5:30 PM for an exclusive sneak peak of the new season.

DC Comics: Master Class – Art History – 1:30 – 2:30 – 1A21

Babs Tarr and Ivan Reis talk art. Count me in.

Marvel: House of Ideas – 2:45 – 3:45 – 1A21

Stick around after the DC art panel for what is always a great panel, the Marvel: House of Ideas panel. Hosted by Ryan Penagos, aka Agent M, you’ll see exclusive previews before they hit the major comic book news sites. If you want to be the first to hear about new Marvel Comics news, this will be the panel you come to.

The Walking Dead: An Inside Look with Robert Kirkman – 2:45 – 3:45 Empire Stage 1-E

Robert Kirkman talks all things Walking Dead. What else do you need?

Nerdist Writers Panel – 3:00 – 4:00 – 1A10

The Nerdist Writers Panel is one of our favorite podcasts at the Tuesday Night Comics podcast. When Ben Blacker isn’t interviewing guests like the writers room from the first season of Friends (!), he interviews prominent comic book writers about their craft. Expect A list guests at this panel.

How Harley Quinn Conquered the World – 3:00 – 4:00 – 1A24

If you read the current Harley Quinn comics, this is the panel for you. Both Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti will be here to talk about their hit series from DC Comics.

Game of Thrones: A Panel of Ice and Fire – 4:00 – 5:00 – Empire Stage 1-E

Natalie Dormer aka Princess Low Cut! Keisha Castle-Hughes aka Slutty Princess Leia! Both in one place! And Finn Jones aka Ser Loras too! Before you go to this panel, go to the Dark Horse booth and buy the Joffrey crown and strut into the panel wearing it!

The Biggest Attack on Titan Manga Announcement Ever – 4:00-5:00 1A18

Heidi McDonald’s The Beat was the first to point out that among the panelists here is Jeanine Schaefer, who is known for her Marvel and DC work. Does this mean we’re getting Attack on Titan comics from non-manga creators? The Beat thinks so, and we’re inclined to agree.

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Sneak Preview – 5:30 – 6:45 – Empire Stage 1-E

I wonder if they’re going to show the entire first episode of the new season. An hour and fifteen minutes certainly seems like enough time to get through a whole episode and then have Q&A after. Or even better, two full episodes and zero Q&A (“My question is…I love you, and think you’re great and awesome and on and on an on…Can I have a hug?”).