Star Wars Half-Marathon Weekend

In case you hadn’t heard, Disney recently announced the first annual Star Wars Half Marathon Weeekend. Events will take place at Disneyland in California from Thursday, January 15-Sunday, January 18. There will be a half marathon, a 10k, a 5k and a kids race. What’s nice about this is that Star Wars fans of different running skill levels can all participate together. Don’t think you’ll be ready for half marathon by January? A 5k is exactly 10 miles less! But for those of you feeling extra adventurous, you can run the Rebel Challenge, which consists of running the 10k on Saturday and then the half marathon on Sunday.

Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend Makes Its Intergalactic Arrival at Disneyland Resort in 2015

I don’t know why I didn’t see this coming when Disney bought the Star Wars franchise. Disney has been running races of various lengths at its parks for years, many with different themes, including the upcoming first ever Avengers Half Marathon Weekend.

If there’s any downside to the race, it’s the price. The half marathon is $195. The 10k is $105. The Rebel Challenge is $320 ($20 more than signing up for the half and 10k separately, but you do get a third medal and shirt). The 5k is $70. The kids race seems like a bargain at only $20. Now keep in mind, these prices DO NOT include park admission. And don’t forget about hotel and airfare. As a Disney Marathon veteran, I strongly suggest staying on a Disney property. Disney starts their races very early, as in pre-dawn. If you’re at a Disney property, you’ll have a much easier time getting to the starting line. 

All that said, as a Star Wars fan and a runner, I am hugely excited for this. Search your feelings. You know you are too. Now I just need to find some running rights with Correllian stripes going down the side.

If you’re interested in running this race,  I definitely recommend signing up for it quickly. Disney races tend to sell out fast, and with the added appeal of this being the first ever Star Wars themed race run by Disney, I expect it to sell out even faster. Registration for the Star Wars Half begins TODAY at 12 noon EDT onthe Run Disney website. You know I’ll be hitting f5 starting at 11:59!

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