Kotobukiya has opened up pre-orders for its NYCC 2013 exclusive R2-Q5 ARTFX+ statue. The statue is $29.99 and will ship out one week after NYCC. Shipping adds over $11 to your order. Unfortunately, they are not taking any pre-orders for pick-up at NYCC. If you’re definitely attending NYCC this year, you may want to wait to buy it at the show and save yourself the cost of shipping.
But if you’re a Star Wars fan who can’t make it to NYCC this year and has a thing for dark side astromech droids, this is your perfect opportunity to secure a R2-Q5 for yourself!
The NYCC version of R2-Q5 comes with an exclusive coin.
What’s with companies and using R2-Q5 as their NYCC exclusive? The same droid was a Hallmark NYCC exclusive Christmas ornament last year.