NYCC 3-Day Passes On Sale TODAY at 12 NOON!


Yes, the US is playing Germany today at noon and a win or tie means we’re making it to the second round of the World Cup. But if you’re a fan of New York Comic Con, something even more important is happening at 12 noon today. 3-Day NYCC 2014 passes are going up for sale on NYCC’s site.

4-Day Passes sold out in record time last week. They went up for sale at noon and were gone less than 90 minutes later. 3-Day Passes have always been more popular with NYCC attendees, so I expect these passes to sell out today even faster.

Also up for sale today will be single day tickets and Kid’s Day Passes to NYCC. I expect Saturday to sell out shortly after 3-Day Pass does.

Make sure you are at a stable internet connection at 11:59 AM today! Good luck!

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