NYCC 2013: Thursday Panel & Screening HIghlights

Unless you have an Exhibitor or Pro Pass, New York Comic Con opens for you at 3 PM on Thursday, October 10. Thursday will be the least crowded day of the con, since it’s open only to people with 4-Day Passes and people who specifically bought Thursday passes. Because of this, Thursday is a great day to nab the hotter con exclusives or meet your favorite creator. Just be sure to check the NYCC website to make sure that creator is there that day.

The Panel and Screenings schedule is pretty light on Thursday, but there are definitely some that are worth checking out.
If you’re interested in creating your own comics, Thursday has some panels aimed right at you. Unfortunately, these two conflict directly with each other. Fortunately, they’re close enough to each other that you could pop into one at the start and move to the other later. Comixology is the giant in the room when it comes to digital distribution, but if your concerns are more legal in nature, you may want to hit up the Protect It and Publish It panel.
This looks like it will be an interesting discussion regarding female protagonists in comics. Plus, Becky Cloonan will be there.
Or…”We’re not just the New 52! Promise!” Going by the description of this panel, it looks like it’s DC pitching you its back list.
Anyone else think the surprise giveaway to everyone in attendance will be gum?
Even if you don’t have a direct interest in these two Kickstarter funded projects, the Q&A session at either of these panels might be an excellent resource for anyone looking at crowfunding their next creative endeavor. 
Here’s another panel aimed at would be comics creators. It seems like it will be equal parts “How to pitch” and “Know your rights before you sign anything.” The ability to pitch effectively is an essential skill if you want someone else to believe your work is as good as you know it is. 
You get a sneak peak at this new PBS documentary plus Dennis O’Neill, Mark Waid, Louise Simonson and Phil Jimenez will all be on the panel. Win-win!
This is the new release from Warner Home Video. It’s not an animated feature, but rather a retrospective and analysis of the villains that permeate the DC universe. It almost sounds like a DVD extra turned into its own movie. In this case, that’s not a bad thing, as the DVD extras on DC’s animated movies have all been excellent.
Kotobukiya’s line of vinyl action figures are amazing. Their Star Wars and Iron Man figures look like they were taken directly out of the movies themselves. You can find out about Kotobukiya’s upcoming releases here, and some lucky attendees will be going home with prizes, which will probably not be gum.
The past couple of years have seen an acceptance of LGBT characters from the major comics publishers like no other time before. Some of the creators behind those books will be on hand to talk about their LGBT characters and the changing face of the industry. I think this will be one of the more interesting panels of NYCC.
Ever wonder what a comic book editor does? Come here and find out. Hint: It’s not all just spell-check. 
I’ll admit it. I might have a wee bit of a Sims obsession. I’ve said “Just one more half hour, then bed!” before…at consecutive half hour increments…before going to bed hours later. You know what I’m talking about.
When I think Carmine Infantino, I think DC Silver Age. I love Carmine Infantino. He’s gone, but not forgotten.
Another great panel for up and coming creators. This panel will have a speaker from Indiegogo, Kickstarter’s main rival in the crowdfunding sphere. After you’ve heard Kickstarter’s pitch earlier in the day, you may want to hit up this panel to hear what their competitor has to say.
The artist of The Walking Dead will be signing here. With NYCC variants of The Walking Dead being sold at the con, and just the massive popularity of the show and comic, expect a line. But if you want Adlard’s autograph, getting it tonight at the Splash Page Comic Art booth might be your best bet. Adlard isn’t charging a fee, but he is requesting that everyone make a donation to the Hero Initiative. They’re a worthwhile cause.
Last year we got Ben Folds Five. This year, we get a mix of really good comedians. The Thursday ticket is turning into something worth getting just for the Kickoff. I’ve seen most of these comics on stage before. I predict a very fun show. Recommended.

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