Are Nike’s Back to the Future 2 Sneakers Dropping Today?

The big rumor that swirled around the never ending line of Marty McFlys at New York Comic Con this year was a big one. As the Martys patiently waited for their Pepsi Perfect bottle, people started talking about the Nike Mag, the power lacing sneakers from Back to the Future 2. The rumor, one that every Marty McFly who heard it wanted to believe, is that Nike is going to drop the Nike Mag, complete with power laces, today, October 21, 2015. Why today? Because today is the day that Marty McFly traveled to in the future in Back to the Future 2.


There are reasons to believe this rumor is true. Nike announced last year that power laces are coming, to the delight of everyone who felt underwhelmed by the 2011 Mag release. But the thing that has me most believing that Power Lace Mags are dropping today is this tweet from Nike last night.

I can’t be the only one hitting F5 on the Nike site all day today. But I think Nike will stick to the time that Marty and Doc landed in the future and release the sneakers at 4:29 PM

In the meantime, I’ll still be reloading Nike’s web store every minute today.

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