On The Couch 2011 #14: Hairspray

I loved the new version of Hairspray. I never saw the original Hairspray, so any comparison with that and this musical version will have to wait for another day.

The John Waters cameo in the beginning was very cool. Like I said, I never saw the original, so I don’t know why this cameo mattered to me, but it seemed like he was giving this new version his blessing by doing it.

When this Hairspray first came out, all the hype surrounding seemed to be over John Travolta in a dress and a fat suit. Did this move get anyone to go see Hairspray? I’m guessing the cheese-factor of it kept more than a few people away, which is a shame, because it’s a really good movie.

Wow, who knew James Marsden was so dreamy? As Cyclops in X-Men, he had to hide his two best features: his winning smile behind Cyclops’s countenance and his bright blue eyes under that ruby red visor. For anyone keeping score, James Marsden > Zac Efron.

The always-smiling Mars.

I kind of want to own this DVD, if only for the “Learn the Dances of Hairspray” bonus feature. I really want to break out Peyton Place After Midnight at the next wedding I attend.