Roman Holiday is a perfect example of a movie that makes me feel dumb after I’ve seen it. Not because the subject matter is tough to understand, it isn’t, but because I end up asking myself questions like “How have I never seen this before?” and “Why was this movie never even on my radar until recently?” and “This is Aubrey Hepburn’s first movie?”
I really had no idea this was Audrey Hepburn’s first movie. You wouldn’t think watching it. She comes across as a completely seasoned professional throughout the entire movie.
Roman Holiday should be used to bolster Gregory Peck’s nomination if anyone holds a Most Charming Leading Man Ever competition. While watching Roman Holiday, I couldn’t help but wish I had the effortless charm that Peck has on display constantly throughout the movie.
Italy is definitely a co-star in Roman Holiday. If I were in charge of the Italian tourism bureau, I would be mailing copies of this DVD to anyone who ever inquired about vacationing in Italy.
I feel like Roman Holiday isn’t talked about as much as other movies by Hepburn or Peck, which is a major oversight. It’s a romantic comedy that works on every level and deserves to be seen by more people. I give it my highest possible recommendation.